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[S] King's Survivor Atlantis: The Final Reckoning

Right after Winners at War, we are kicking off the endgame with our last newbie season, which takes place in Greece, just like the first season. 18 new castaways will face off, and there will be a returning twist, the Edge of Extinction, but this time, there will be no returnees. It will be just 18 castaways forced to battle the elements and each other, with minimal twists other than the EOE, and the fire making challenge. Without further ado, we will see who will be competing on this season!
Fotia (Greek for Fire) Tribe:
Ava Vasquez, 59, Kindergarten Teacher, u/TDSwaggyBoy
Mother of two, grandmother of seven, Ava is a very kind individual. She made it her goal to help her children in any way, shape or form she could, wanting to give those she loves the best life possible. Even to the point of prioritizing their well being over her own. She always wanted to make a difference, and eventually became a kindergarten teacher in order to help make the years of said toddlers the best she could. Ava still remembers her kindergarten teacher, a kind and warm individual, and she hopes to be seen the same way as her.
Darleen Rojas, 38, Retail Manager, u/Ripecornball60
Darleen was the popular girl in school when she was young. She was a pageant queen, and planned to be a model when she was older. She got through the rigorous casting process to become a model, but sadly fell short at the final call, where she found out she had breast cancer. Going through Chemotherapy was a life changing experience. She lost her hair, her passion, and her job opportunity. She worked at a Retail store for 3 years, until she had a flirt with the manager. He promised her the store in exchange for her "assets". She accepted the offer, and Darleen became the store manager. The previous manager and her dated for 3 more months, until the worst happened. She found him cheating on her. This caused her to break up with him, and kick him out of working for her. Trying to fill his hole in her heart, Darleen used an abandoned break room in her store, and transformed it into a nightclub club she calls the "Hidey Hole". There, she has 1 night stands with women and men alike. She is out here due to one of her "clients" saying someone as manipulative as her could win.
Ellie Ruchkin, 24, Bowling Alley Worker, u/Jckboy100
Ellie is a super nice girl, to almost everyone... however, if you do anything to cross her, she won't forget it. Growing up as an only child made her learn how to entertain herself, and learn how to take care of herself when her parents weren't around. She wants to play this game to see if she has what it takes to win the title and check that comes along with it.
Erik LeFort, 34, Writer, u/Gemini_B
Erik grew up in a typical family. At a fairly young age he realized he was gay, but was luck that his family supported him. That, alongside with supportive friends helping him overcome the few bullies he faced, he wants to be a beacon of hope for gay people everywhere and want's to show what a loving family can do. Despite his want to help others though, he's not afraid to play dirty if it get's him further in the game.
Ethan "EJ" James, 20, College Student, u/JTsidol
Ethan was always struggling In life, that never allowed him to do anything, his dad was extremely angry at him, after his mother died at birth, blaming the death on him, when he was 7 he began abusing him, until at 17 he ran away, now he‘s studying hard to finish college, and he hopes he can get the money to help him study and have a better life.
Kim Juri, 35, Poker Dealer, u/Gemini_B
Kim Juri grew up with a fairly poor family and at a young age secretly turned to gambling to support her family. She got very good and became a poker dealer at a casino. She wants to destroy this game because she knows how to lie, cheat and play dirty. She's here to win, and nothing will stop her.
Krista Ayers, 34, Unemployed, u/breadon17
Krista is a single mom of four, so life isn't very easy for her. She can't find a job and she has an abusive boyfriend who is trying to take everything she knows and loves. She applied for Survivor so that she could get the money she needs to survive and feed her kids.
Kyle Simmonds, 26, Poker Player, u/asiansurvivorfan
Kyle was raised in a very divided home with his parents constantly fighting, and his Dad being an alcoholic. This caused him to start taking part in things he shouldn’t be taking part in like gangs, drug, theft, etc. When he was 20, everything changed for him when his friend signed him up for a local poker tournament. He was reluctant at first, but decided to give it a shot. He surprised everyone including himself at that tournament, as he completely dominated and won. This really gave him the boost he needed in life as he proceeded to continue his success by winning more tournaments and at a higher level too. He plans on handling the game like a poker match and wants to bring all his cards to the table.
Vaso Dragovic, 45, Journalist/Former Yugoslav Soldier, u/Twig7665
Vaso was born in Serbia, which was in the once prosperous country of Yugoslavia in the mid 1970s. He lived a normal life up until his teen years, where he watched the country he once knew as a dream turn into a nightmare. The country became a war-torn hellscape, and he was forced to join the military at the young age of 16. He witnessed countless atrocities, and to escape the war, he had to smuggle himself onto a boat bound for the United States in 1996. With no food, no money, and no shelter, he joined a gang to get himself what he needed to survive. After over a year of selling drugs and being in a gang, he left it and went to go live in a rehab facility until he was was 29, in 2004. He then began work to try and fit back into society. He now works as a journalist for a news company. He signed up for the show to see if he has the skills to win it.
Pouli (Greek for Bird) Tribe:
Alfred "Void" Vallentino, 28, Magician, u/swoldow
Alfred grew up on the streets of Las Vegas in poverty, with both of his parents as struggling actors. To make a few extra dimes, he started to teach himself basic magic to perform on the streets and sometimes skipped school to make more money. He was extremely bullied at school for his passion and lack of money, which led him to be socially isolated from everyone else. He grew more attached to his magic, as he kept working harder and harder until a famous magician with a Vegas show caught wind of his act, and let Alfred open for him. Since then, Alfred has rose to the top of the food chain, and began to experiment with his suspenseful acts to make the audience feel all sorts of emotion.
Katrina MacQuoid, 58, Prosthodontist, u/Gemini_B
Katrina’s parents we’re performers in Kentucky. They lived and breathed theater and expected their daughter to be the same. Though Katrina loved being the center of attention, and still does, she never loved the stage the way her parents did. Her parents wanted her to continue to pursue something arts related, and she became an advertising adjective, but never felt satisfied. When she learned that Kentucky was looking for jobs in the dental field, she felt it would be a perfect field to enter. She always found teeth interesting, I mean, are they bones? But they fall out? So weird. She returned to school at age 35 and became a Prosthodontist at age 43. She’s worked as a Prosthodontist since then and (While not at the level of Peter) has a firm understanding of the most important hole in the human body, the mouth. While she’s liked by many people because of her fun personality, she has trouble forming 1 on 1 bonds and has never found the special one. As a child she often got in trouble for anger issues with her parents, so she began to hold in her anger and let it out in huge, uncontrollable fits when her parents weren't around. This holding in of anger until she can’t contain it is a habit she continues to have, blaming her rages on “Hurricane Katrina” as a sort of justification of her actions. She’s never left Kentucky and while she’s very book smart, she can often be very ignorant on other subjects.
Lila Herring, 21, Secretary, u/AngolanDesert
Lila is a very competitive spirit. She always wants to challenge herself and see how far can she can make it. When she saw that survivor auditions were going out, she knew she could win and provide for her poor family.
Lukas Reed, 24, College Student, u/Jck100
Lukas Reed is a shy, humble young man. Coming from a devastating childhood with the loss of his young sister, him and his dad suffered hard. This shaped him into the man he is today, coasting through college, now he wanted something to step out of his comfort zone and try out this highly social game, and see how he can do.
Luther Dane, 32, Fisherman, u/Twig7665
No one knows much about Luther, due to his tendency to keep everything he knows a secret, and it causes people to see him as a strange loner, a title he does not mind. He was in a car accident in his teen years that killed everyone in the car but him, and he began to think of himself as an untouchable person, someone who could survive almost anything. This caused him to grow reckless when he's not fishing, and made several poor choices in his twenties, including messing with police, which caused him to be sent to jail for several months for interfering with a cop's duty. Now out of prison, he continues to be reckless, but stayed away from police this time. Will his reckless personality help or hinder his journey on Survivor? Only time will tell.
Madyson "Maddie" Anderson, 25, Nurse, u/JTsidol
She’s lived a normal life, she wants some fun, she’s single, hoping that she can get a showmance to lower her target, then strike at the right time.
Marshall Keaton, 28, Marine Biologist, u/TDSwaggyBoy
Marshall was born to a loving family of five, being the oldest of three kids. His father, Dominic, always expected Marshall to follow in the family's footsteps and become a lawyer, just like his old pops. At a young age, Marshall never seemed to agree with his father's plan - being a lawyer is so boring, bro! He went through the entire process, getting accepted to law school, only to then drop out.
Marshall and his father got into a massive argument about it, and Marshall ended up leaving his home afterwards. They are still not on speaking terms.
Marshall then studied to become a marine biologist, as he always found sea creatures to be fascinating.
Now with a girlfriend of 2 years, Marshall hopes to win the money for the both of them. He's got this, yo!
Nolan "NK" Kristoffson, 19, Drummer, u/Twig7665
Nolan was born the younger of twins to a large, fairly poor farming family. He was the youngest, and he resented most of his family. He saw his twin Matt as the antithesis of himself, and while he was able to go to college because of a football scholarship, Nolan had to drop out and help out at the farm. He finally had enough at the age of 18, and told his parents about him wanting to become a drummer, and his parents kicked him out, so he lived at his friend's house for the past year. They were able to get him a drumkit, and they formed a garage band. Inspired by his hard life being constantly outshined by his brother, he wrote angry, edgy lyrics, and they started performing gigs. He shortened his name to just his initials, and now drums for a living. He is playing King's Survivor to finally outshine his perfect twin brother.
Ximena Verez, 22, Fencer, u/asiansurvivorfan
Ximena grew up poor and therefore had to start earning money at an early age by delivering stock. On one of her trips, she was kidnapped and abducted by a group of men that worked for a wanted druglord and rapist. She along with her 3 fellow captives were beaten, abused, and raped for 4 years missing and undetected. After years of mistreatment, Ximena and the other captives were finally found and released. Although it was reliving to be free again, she was deeply traumatized by everything her captor did to her and had an extremely tough time trying to adapt to the real world again. She decided to seek help and was sent to a rehab facility where she got help relieve her trauma. One of the things she picked up was the martial arts which eventually developed into an interest in fencing. Despite it being a male dominated sport, Ximena was adamant on showing young girls they can accomplish anything no matter the hardships they’ve gone through. After her time in rehab, she managed to recover and now spends her time competing in championships all around the world. She came to be a voice for domestic abuse victims.
Link to Season
Episode 1: The eighteen new contestants are shipped into Greece, where they learn of the return of the Edge of Extinction, from the season of the same name. They are then split into their two tribes: the green Fotia tribe, which means "Fire" in Greek, and the orange Pouli tribe, which means "Bird". Ava, Darleen, Ellie, Erik, EJ, Kim, Krista, Kyle, and Vaso draw green buffs, and Void, Katrina, Lila, Lukas, Luther, Maddie, Marshall, NK, and Ximena's buffs are orange. They are then instructed to get as much stuff off the boat as they can, and Krista finds the advantage menu, which can give the user either a reward steal, an extra vote, or an idol. At Fotia, EJ tries to be a mafioso, so he bonds with Ava, and forms an alliance with Darleen and Kim. At Pouli, NK and Void bond very well over being outcasts, and they pull in Lila, Luther, Maddie, Marshall, and Ximena to form "The Outcast Alliance". The Fotia tribe wins the first immunity challenge of the season, forcing the Pouli tribe to vote someone off. Wanting to cut off the weak links as quickly as possible, NK suggests to get rid of Katrina, but Ximena gets the idea to split the votes in case one of them had the idol, and Void individually talks to both Katrina and Lukas to get them to vote each other, and also try to get one of them to play their idol, but neither of them have the idol, so at tribal council, Katrina becomes the first person sent to the Edge in a 5-4 vote.
Episode 2: Lukas tries to figure out who voted for him, so he tries to ask around his tribe, but does not get an answer and likely only angers his tribe. Void finds the hidden immunity idol so Lukas wouldn't, and he shows it to Maddie to make sure she's loyal to him. At Fotia, Ava and Ellie get into a bit of an argument, and EJ tries to get Ellie onto his side by talking to her. Vaso tries doing the same thing with Ava. Ava and Darleen form an alliance, as Darleen wanted to get her own numbers so she could topple EJ sooner rather than later. Once again, the Fotia tribe wins immunity, and the whole Pouli tribe is ready to vote out Lukas, since he's the only outsider and he has already proven himself to want to play way too hard, so Lukas is voted out 7-1.
Episode 3: After Lukas' vote out, the Outcasts must turn on one another, and the lowest in the pecking order was Maddie. At Fotia, people start to see Krista as an easy target, so both Erik and Ellie form fake alliances with her. Kim also leaves her alliance with Darleen and EJ after having a fight with the latter. Vaso, not trusting anyone, looks for and finds the idol. Pouli wins their first challenge of the season, winning the reward, but their winning streak is cut short before it even began, as the Fotia tribe wins immunity for the third time in a row. Maddie tries to manipulate Marshall into flipping from his side, to hopefully bring a few others with him, but Marshall stays loyal to the majority. Maddie becomes the third person voted out in a 6-1 vote, getting sent to the Edge.
Episode 4: When the tribes meet up again, a tribe swap is announced, and the purple Telikos tribe, which means "final" in Greek, is introduced. The Fotia tribe consists of four former Fotias- Ava, Ellie, Erik, and Kyle, and one Pouli- Marshall. On Pouli is three Fotias- EJ, Krista, and Vaso, and two Poulis- Lila and Luther. Finally, on Telikos is two Fotias- Darleen and Kim, and three Poulis- Void, NK, and Ximena. At Fotia, both Ellie and Kyle bond, and the two of them decide to form an alliance and pull in Erik. At Pouli, Krista makes it clear to Lila that she's going to flip, given how EJ had been controlling the Fotia tribe since the start of the game. This causes Lila to see Krista as a bit of a loose cannon, so she keeps an eye on her. At Telikos, Darleen finds the idol, and she keeps down about it, knowing that she's in the minority. NK impresses his team with his leadership, and he also bonds with Ximena. Pouli loses the immunity challenge again, which lowers morale significantly for them. When they get back to camp, Vaso decides on a whim to flip from his old alliance, seeing as he's not gonna vote in the majority if he doesn't. The new target is the mafioso himself, EJ. He tries talking to each of the tribe members individually to try and get them to vote Lila out, who has kind of became the punching bag of the season, but it doesn't succeed, and EJ becomes the fourth person voted out in a 4-1 vote.
Episode 5: Knowing that they are unified, the Pouli tribe are at peace-for now. At the Edge, Lukas finds a way to practice for the Edge challenge, which he finds very useful. Maddie also finds an extra vote that she could give to someone, but they won't be able to use it because reasons. At Telikos, Void and Kim bond over being from Vegas, and a new alliance is formed, with Darleen and Ximena, leaving NK on the outs of the tribe. At Fotia, Erik and Kyle bond strongly, and Ellie tries to get Marshall on her side to take out Ava if they were to lose, since she was the weakest in the tribe. Pouli loses the reward challenge, but Fotia loses the immunity challenge for the first time in the season. Marshall becomes torn between going with the majority and putting himself on the bottom or voting against the majority and still being on the bottom. Ultimately, he decides to go with the majority, thinking Ava didn't have the idol, which is true, she didn't. She becomes the fifth person voted out in a 4-1 vote. Back at camp, Ellie and Erik solidify their alliance by forming a final two deal. They think that since the last season they saw before they left was Blood Vs Water 3, which had a final two. On the Edge, Katrina finds an advantage to penalize who she thinks has the best chance at returning to the game. At Pouli, Vaso and Krista decide they need to stick together because they two Poulis were gonna get them one after the other if they didn't stick together. Lila becomes seen as an even bigger threat than she used to be, and Krista and Vaso try to pull Luther aside to try to convince him to flip on his alliance. He refuses to in secret. Fotia continues their losing streak by losing the reward challenge, but since the host announced that two tribes will be going to tribal council in a joint tribal council, Fotia fights tooth and nail to win the challenge, and they are able to succeed. The whole Telikos tribe decides that Krista is too much of a loose cannon to make it to the merge. Vaso and Krista target Lila, and Luther and Lila target Krista for being weaker than Vaso, as they don't know when the merge will occur. At tribal council, Krista is blindsided 7-2 and is sent to the edge.
Episode 6: The merge is announced. The 12 remaining contestants watch the first six castaways to be voted out compete in a challenge to return to the game, which Maddie wins despite being penalized by Katrina. Krista then raises her flag to leave the game, leaving the game first. The people who formed the Thymamai tribe, which means "remember" in Greek, are Void, Darleen, Ellie, Erik, Kim, Kyle, Lila, Luther, Maddie, Marshall, NK, Vaso, and Ximena. Luther decides to go rogue from his six person alliance, leaving them in a severe minority. Maddie tries to get a good relationship with Marshall again, and it works, but it causes most of the tribe to turn on her again. Lila finds the merge tribe idol, and like many before her, she keeps quiet because she does not want to attract more attention. Erik wins the immunity challenge, and when talking to others about the vote, he finds most people are content with just sending Maddie right back to the Edge. Maddie tries to target Kim, but does not succeed as she is voted out 12-1 and is sent back to the Edge.
Episode 7: After Maddie's blindside, cracks begin to form in the final twelve. While Erik tries to remain humble after his immunity win, which he succeeds in doing, soon people start to throw out names like there's no tomorrow. NK throws out Kim's name, Ximena throws out Kyle's, Darleen does the same with NK, and Kyle throws Marshall under the bus. At the first post-merge reward challenge of the season, a group of Void, Erik, Kim, Luther, Marshall, and Ximena win, and they get Chinese takeout. Darleen wins immunity, saving her from going to the edge for one more vote. The two biggest threats at the moment for the people still in the game were Kim and Kyle, because most people believed there was some sort of poker alliance going on between the two. As it turns out, there was a sort of alliance going on there, so the ten people who weren't in it decided to split the votes between Kyle and Kim, with seven votes on Kyle, who was much more physically strong than Kim, and three votes on Kim. Kim figures out this plan, and tells Kyle to play his idol if he has one, which he does not. Kyle votes for Marshall, and Kim votes for NK, leading to Kyle getting voted out 7-3-1-1. He chooses to stick around at the Edge.
Episode 8:Erik and Ellie get into a fight for whatever reason, and their alliance becomes no more. Ximena and Vaso both decide to help out with the tribe, causing their standing within the tribe to get better. Darleen tries making her relationship closer with Luther, wanting to have a good social game so she doesn't end up as a goat. Erik wins immunity for a second time, cementing his status as a challenge threat (which is really odd, since his challenge stats are on the lower side). People finally begin to catch on to how physically strong Vaso is, so a group of four, led by Void, consisting of him, Darleen, Kim, and Ximena, while another group of four, Vaso, Erik, Ellie, and Luther, vote for Lila, seeing her as an easy target. The rest, deciding that Kim would be better off on the Edge, vote for her. Both Vaso and Lila play their idols, and Kim is the ninth person sent packing in a 3-0-0 vote.
Episode 9: After Kim's vote out, Void, Ximena, and Darleen strengthen their trio to try and have a better shot at making it to the end. Void and Darleen also form a new alliance with Ellie, Erik, and Luther to give themselves the majority of the tribe. Marshall and NK start to form a bromance, and Darleen wins immunity again. Erik and his alliance plot to get rid of Lila, due to her status as an all-around threat and the fact that she could easily win with her story in the game. Void also tries unsuccessfully to get Vaso on board, he instead gets into a fight with Ximena and really hurts his standing in the tribe, causing him to gain enemies in Ximena, Lila, Marshall, and NK. He is saved when the majority, thinking that Lila happened to be the bigger threat, vote her out instead in a 5-4-1 vote. Back at camp, Darleen bonds with Ximena, and it causes Ximena to make the reckless decision to flip from her alliance and try to join Void and Darleen's. Still, she had a dislike for Luther that she could not shake. When Vaso wins immunity, she becomes the main target. Still not giving up, she talks to her rival Vaso to try and get him to help her vote out Marshall, which he agrees to do. Still, it is not enough, and Ximena becomes the eleventh person voted out in a 7-2 vote.
Episode 10: After Ximena's vote out, only eight remain in the game. They compete in a reward challenge, which Void, Darleen, Erik, and NK win. Seeing as Vaso and Marshall were more physically threatening than NK was, despite NK winning a reward challenge. After Erik wins immunity for the third time, he tries to get everyone to vote Marshall out. When Luther later bonds with Marshall, he feels remorse for doing so, but knows it must be done. Void is not told about the plan to blindside Marshall, and he thinks that Vaso is the person being voted out, as does NK. Nk also finds the idol. At tribal council, Marshall is voted out in a 5-3 vote, and for the first time in the season, Void was on the wrong side of the vote.
Episode 11: Luther shows everyone he can win challenges and wins the reward challenge. Then, Luther brings along Void and Darleen as to show that he is playing a loyal game and he can be trusted. When they get back, Luther does some damage control with Erik for not picking him, and they get back on good terms, and also have a stronger bond than before. Vaso tries to get people on his side to blindside someone that he didn't like, so he talks to NK first, and when it didn't work, he starts targeting him, but also talks to Erik. This conversation goes down a lot better, and it helps him convince Erik to go after NK. Erik then talks to Luther and Darleen about the plan to similar success. Void, Ellie, and NK himself decide that Vaso needs to go, and NK reveals to Void his idol. Erik wins immunity for the fourth time. At tribal council, NK plays his idol, and Vaso is sent to the Edge in a 3-0 vote.
Episode 12: After Vaso arrives at the Edge of Extinction, they receive letters they wrote to themselves before the game. Back in the actual game, NK wins a reward challenge, and he chooses too bring along Void and Erik, to try and get some allies, since he was almost voted out at the last tribal council. Unfortunately, only Void is willing to help NK, as Erik was closer to Ellie and Darleen. The Ellie/NK alliance dissolves after NK gets into an argument with her, and he loses another ally. Things get dire when he loses the immunity challenge to Void, leaving his only option, to find an idol. He does not find one, and he knows that he's most likely going at that point. NK tries to vote for Darleen, and Void throws a vote onto Ellie due to being too close to Darleen. In the end, NK becomes the final person sent to the Edge of Extinction in a 4-1-1 vote.
Finale: Void, Darleen, Ellie, Erik, and Luther await the return of the player from the Edge. Lila wins, and she becomes a target the instant she arrives back into the game. Luckily for her, she wins immunity, and she shares the reward with Void and Erik, intending to do what NK did in the previous episode. This time, it succeeds, and she gets both Void and Erik on her side. Luther joins their side as well. Darleen and Ellie vote for Void and Luther, respectively. The other people still in the game voted for Ellie, but Darleen plays her idol for Ellie, and a tie between Void and Luther occurs. Erik decides Void is the bigger target of the two, while Lila votes for Luther. It results in another tie, causing Darleen and Erik to draw rocks, and ultimately, Darleen becomes the twelfth member of the jury. After Darleen's shocking rock draw, the four of Void, Ellie, Erik, and Luther decide to stick together to take out Lila if she loses immunity, which she does, to Void. At tribal council, not wanting anyone to flip on his closest ally in Erik, Void plays his idol for him, causing no votes to be negated, and for Lila to be voted out in a 4-1 vote over Ellie. In the final immunity challenge, Erik makes a desperate deal to Void to take him to the final two, trying to downplay his great all-around gameplay as similar to Bao's from Cook Islands- someone who has a great physical and strategic game, but their social game has a lot to be desired, and Void agrees to the plan. Void then is able to beat out Erik in the final immunity challenge, and he keeps his word, sending Luther and Ellie to fire. Luther's survival skills aided him immensely in this final challenge, and he wins the fire making challenge with a handy lead. Ellie becomes the 14th and final member of the jury. Our third all male final three consists of Void, Erik, and Luther. Void is called out for trying to be seen as trustworthy, while being caught in multiple lies during the game. Luther's game is seen as weak all-around, since he followed Void and Erik and didn't really do much in the game. He does get some votes due to how bitter the jury is towards Void and Erik, and he gets Ava, EJ, Maddie, and Marshall's votes. Kim, NK, and Vaso all respected Void's game, so they voted him to win. Ultimately, Erik is voted the winner of the final newbie season of King's Survivor due to having a great social and physical game, and never receiving a vote throughout the entire game. He may not have had the best strategic game, but he didn't need it to win the game. Void wins the Fan Favorite for being the biggest personality of the season and for his robbery.
Winner: Erik LeFort, u/Gemini_B Fan Favorite: Alfred "Void" Vallentino, u/swoldow
For King's Survivor's last season, we will be going out with a bang. 20 memorable contestants who never won before will compete for one last chance at the million, and one will win. Who will be on this season? We will find out soon enough.
submitted by KingTyson27 to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

Technocratic Mafia of Rome

The House of Odescalchi is a top bloodline of the Black Nobility with princely titles and palaces in Rome, Italy, and Hungary. They are the Dukes of Syrmia in Hungary and still own a castle in Croatia. They had titles in Como, Italy along the Swiss border and also established a wealthy bank in Genoa. The Odescalchi family has been involved with the Roman Catholic Church producing Pope Innocent XI or Benedetto Odescalchi as well as several Catholic bishops. Pope Innocent XI freed Jewish prisoners in Venice and then also banned Jewish banks from making loans which benefitted his family's Genoese bank. The Odescalchi, Giustiniani, Savoy, and Pallavicini families likely have a large amount of shares in Banca Carige. Banca Carige was founded in 1483 and is headquartered in Genoa. Norway's central bank or Norges Bank currently has about 2% shares in Banca Carige. The royal family of Norway are covertly allied with the Odescalchis and Pallavicinis and funnel their wealth through Banca Carige to finance organized crime, bribes, and gang stalking in Italy. Pope Innocent XI and his family's bank were suspected of financing William of Orange who overthrew King James II. Henry Sydney the 1st Earl of Romney was the one who wrote and negotiated the terms with William of Orange. The name Romney means Roman. The Dutch takeover of England occurred under Pope Innocent XI's reign. The Protestant Dutch House of Orange-Nassau are currently intermarried with the north Italian Bourbon-Parma family and have close connections with Rome and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Odescalchi family were involved with Italian Jesuit factions and were also opposed to the Spanish Jesuits.
Carlo Odescalchi was the son of the Odescalchi and Giustiniani princely banking families and he ruled as the Archbishop of Ferrara, the Grand Prior of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Judge of the Roman Rota, and then later became a member of the Society of Jesus. The Prince family of Holland, Michigan serve the Odescalchi family with the Knight of Malta Erik Prince. Erik Prince was a founder of Blackwater and is currently the head Frontier Services Group which has operations in Africa and Asia. The House of Odescalchi are working closely with the Giustiniani and Pallavicini banking families to this day. The Pallavicini family were bankers from Genoa which merged a family branch with the Rospigliosi Papal nobility, and also established a fiefdom in the Austrian-Hungarian territory. The American Daniel Odescalchi is the president of Strategic Advantage International which is a political consulting firm that has done work for Hungarian politicians. The Odescalchi family own some Slovak mafias like the Cernakovci crime family. The Odescalchi family also owns the Detroit Mafia also called the Detroit Partnership which run the Teamsters unions currently headed up by James Hoffa. Jack Giacalone is the head of the Detroit Mafia he serves the Odescalchis and his father and uncle were investigated for the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. Daniel Gilbert is a Jewish billionaire that renamed his casino company Jack Entertainment to honor the mafia boss Jack Giacalone. Jack Giacalone and the Tocco family run the Detroit Mafia. The Romney family are a political bloodline of Michigan and also involved with the auto industry. Mitt Romney's father George Romney worked for American Motor Corporation which absorbed into Chrysler. The Romney family and Detroit Partnership's agents in the teamsters extorted and manipulated the auto industry to cause the government bailout.
The family often uses the name Erba-Odescalchi for their merger with the Erba family that ruled in the town of Cernobbio, Italy. I believe that CERN was cleverly named after Cernobbio which is on the Italian and Swiss border. Fabiola Gianotti is the Director General of CERN today and she was born in Rome. There have been various Austrian and Hungarian nuclear physicists like John von Neumann. The House of Odescalchi's role from Rome is overseeing the development and use of advanced technologies and weapons in society. CERN oversees most of the particle accelerators around the world and it is the Swiss bankers which are financing the Uranium and Plutonium which fuels them. There is a statue of Shiva at CERN. The nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer was involved in the development of nuclear technologies and the creation of the atomic bomb. Robert Oppenheimer quoted Vishnu-Shiva stating "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Particle accelerators are a type of nuclear weapon that are enhancing gravity which is like magnetic pressure in the lower atmosphere. Along with HAARP they are able to direct these magnetic emissions over targeted areas. With HAARP and other similar tools controlled by the USAF they can ionize parts of the atmosphere. When the magnetism is released from a particle accelerator they can ionize pathways to move around this magnetic pressure through the vector. When they run these particle accelerators it makes society feel lethargic and more stressed. Gravity is related with time and the perception of time which is basically the speed of movement. The Odescalchis have a clock tower at their Ilok Castle in Croatia. A gang stalker named Jesse Like has been targeting me for decades and has stolen my property, threatened me with a gun, threatened to jump me on three different occasions with his fellow thugs and he works for the Odescalchis. Jesse Like is really a coward that abuses women and cant fight people on his own. He also called the police when someone broke his jaw. That is the nature of these cowardly gang stalkers. The name Like derives from Serbia near where the Odescalchis ruled in Croatia.
The word gravity derives from the Latin word gravis which means weight or heavy. Scalchi in Ode-scalchi refers to scales which measure weight. Ode refers to poems and in ancient times odes were used along with harps. They are also using HAARP for individual and mass mind manipulation. HAARP antennas can ionize the atmosphere and also emit radio waves used for electromagnetic harassment. The Pallavicini family of Austria have a statue holding a harp on their palace in Vienna. Prince Moroello della Vittoria Pallavicini and Prince Carlo Odescalchi can be seen socializing together. These families are targeting areas and individuals with magnetic pressure while they also radiate society with mind control frequencies. It is like they are holding someone down and trying to dictate their will onto them. They are ruthless psychopaths that need to be executed. The actor and Scientologist Tom Cruise was married at the Castello Orsini-Odescalchi and serves them as a Knight of Malta. Scientology is involved with using electronic witchcraft on society through brain hacking software like GENESIS and NEURON operating through most modern electronics and smart devices. Prince Edmond Pery Odescalchi is a Hungarian born American author and financial consultant that has worked for International Business Machines Corporation and he oversees the use of particle accelerators on Americans. One particle accelerator in my region is the extremely destructive Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island headed up by Doon Gibbs who works in Condensed Matter Physics. They are using particle accelerators to create increases in gravitational pressure to condense matter including human beings. Doon Gibbs and the entire leadership of the Brookhaven Laboratory is pure evil. The Odescalchis are oppressors and dictators. Current members of this family include Prince Carlo Odescalchi, Princess Lucia Odescalchi, Princess Sophia Odescalchi, Prince Baldassare Odescalchi, Prince Michel Odescalchi, Princess Vittoria Odescalchi and Prince Edmond Odescalchi. Prince Carlo Odescalchi is the current head and an extremely dangerous and a wicked tyrant that needs to be executed right now. Every person on the planet should be demanding that these tyrants be executed.
submitted by AhuwahZeus to conspiracyfact [link] [comments]

Croatia into the World Cup Final and how this resonates with this Serbian supporter.

Firstly, congratulations to our Northern neighbours on their outstanding achievement but as a Serbian supporter I can’t help but have mixed feelings.
No doubt about it, Croatia have always been Serbia’s eternal rivals. A complicated history (to say the least) between to the nations is the source of the rivalry, and the fall back position of most Serbians, especially the ones that live outside of Serbia, is to back Croatia’s opposition no matter who they play and visa versa.
However, putting emotion aside the question Im left asking myself is what are the footballing differentials that allowed Croatia to make the finals and become a near constant top 10 side for the past 20 years while Serbia has struggled for consistency and results. (It’s important to note this question is only in the context of football, in other sports Serbia appear more dominant, Tennis, Basketball, Waterpolo ETC).
There are many aspects that seperate the two teams but I have decided to frame the question within the six aspects.
  1. Football Federation Performance - I can’t claim to know an enormous amount about the performance of the Croatian FA however the federation appears to be in a state of scandal. The Zdravko Mamic court cases, in-fighting between Dinamo Zagreb affiliates vs the rest of the league and rampant self destructive hooliganism (aka Euro 16, and the swatstika fiasco) suggest that the state of play is far from organised and steady. Having said that the Serbian FA (FSS) is not much better, the Genoa fiasco, the drone incident and sacking of Antic then Muslin are obvious blights that the FFS is responsible for, although the Muslin sacking may be claimed to be strategic. Therefore it would be unlikely that the source of Croatia 18’ recent success is due to good leadership and planning at an association level, I would even go as far to suggest that the FFS appears a touch more stable and has managed to inch forward although slowly given the directors have not been served with court orders (not yet).
  2. Talent (potential) - Without going into World Cup squads, the talent and potential in both Serbia and Croatia is for lack of a better word. Staggering. However, the claim that Croatia produces more talent is not true. A 2013 study by Sporting Intelligence shows that Serbia is 4th in the world by numbers of players playing abroad (210) while Croatia is 8th with approximately half (108) which when accounting for population suggest there is no difference. Therefore, it is equally unlikely that Croatia’s brilliance this year and past success versus Serbia’s studderings is because Croatia has more talent. To reinforce this point Serbia’s past and present youth team performances suggest that talent and potential are in no short supply infact Serbia’s youth results are amoungest the very best in Europe.
  3. National footballing mentality - As an outsider looking in, it appears that playing for the Serbian national team is as much a burden as it is honour. The weight of expectation to live up to the glory years of the yugo yesteryear drives the media and fans into a frenzy which translates to enormous pressure being placed on players. When success does not come for whatever reason the outcomes worsen, either the fans switch off resulting in attendance to games plummeting or worse, players walk away for the NT, (Vidic, Subotic, Lazovic, Fejsa). This in turn places even more pressure on team and the loop continues. Croatian players on the other hand take to playing as not only an honour but an nationalistic obligation. An obligation bigger then themselves, that represents a legitimisation of the National identify. This can be seen at this World Cup with the president of the nation acting like a school girl. I believe the difference in national footballing mentality is down to how early Croatia 98’ achieved success. This initial success set the example for future players and produced an auroa around the national team that is still felt today and it is this belief that got them through their last 3 extra time matches. Juxtapose that with Serbia and how they tighten up in critical moments and simply loose belief, eg VS Australia 10’, Slovenia 14’ and Switzerland 18’
  4. World Cup Squads - I’m going to keep this short because every analyst, fan and coach will have a different opinion. claims that the Croatian squad is 80 million more valuable than Serbia’s (364 vs 284). However in my opinion the difference between Serbia and Croatia in terms of squads is simple. Serbia don’t have a Modric or a Rakitic. Simply put those two players are a cut above any other Serbian equivalent. Modric and Rakitic are responsible for taking Croatia this far
  5. Coaching and Tactics - Zlatko Dalic was somewhat of a unknown commodity prior to this World Cup. However he has brought harmony and made the right tactical decisions. This is most acutely demonstrated versus england. Croatia tactically shut England down in the second half and extra time. Krstajic on the hand made some poor tactical decisions. Most notable against Switzerland at scores locked at 1-1 he pushed for the win when a draw was enough. He persisted with playing Sergej in the number 8 against Brazil which was lunacy given he is not an 8 and never will be. I won’t even mention starting Veljkovic 21 with Milenkovic 19 against Neymar and co. Overall Dalic although not a footballing mastermind has set the team up and the players responded.
  6. Sporting luck - Serbia had some horror luck at this World Cup being robbed of a clear penalty at a critical moment against direct competition for the knock out round in the Swiss. Luck on the other hand smiled on Croatia. In their first match against Nigeria, an own goal and a line ball penalty gave them three points. They then faced a shaken and chaotic Argentina side. With the Argentine keeper (second choice as the first choice keeper was injured prior) gifting the opener to Rakitic before Messi and co proceeded to implode. As a result Croatia advanced to the Goldie locks side of the draw to face a poor Denmark and an average Russian team which they both managed to navigate curtesy of the penalty kick casino. Not to forget Croatia made it to the World Cup via European playoff against the lowest ranked and weakest team in the draw in Greece. I do not want to belittle or void Croatia’s effort and achievements thus far which have been outstanding, but merly highlight that without luck it would have been a different story.
So I guess to summarise my thoughts, I think there is a number of key differences for the vastly different results achieved by the two nations. The recent Croatian World Cup results can be attributed to having a couple of true game winners, good tactics and a good dose of sporting luck while the longer term success is built on Croatia’s footballing mentality. If Serbia wants to replicate its northern neighbours success, it needs to plan for success and have a clear long term vision and work towards that end.
submitted by le_tepavac to SerbianFooty [link] [comments]

Djokovic and Sharapova consolidate favorites status
The most important tennis competition played on clay is about to start one week from now and the best players gear up for Roland Garros. Djokovic and Sharapova are once again among the favorites at Mybet to win the trophy, although things have changed slightly from the last couple of years. Not so long ago, Rafael Nadal and Serena Williams were the ones that everyone expected to get away with a trophy, as they dominated the series and were particularly effective on clay. While the Spanish player is now struggling with injuries and suffered an untimely elimination from several tournaments played on clay, Serena is also having a hard time with fitness issues. None of them made the semifinals of the tournament played in Rome one week ago and this casts some doubt over their ability to compete at the highest level. This should open the door wide open for Djokovic and Sharapova to won the trophy and they've made some progress towards this objective. Djokovic cruised to another Masters series in a row after defeating Roger Federer in straight sets and he didn't look like he was even trying too hard. Interesting enough, the player from Serbia had some problems in the previous stage when he had to fight his opponent in three sets, but at the end of the day he emerged victorious. His uncanny ability of withstanding pressure and playing long hours when necessary makes him a formidable foe for every opponent. In the WTA Tour Serena Williams is the dominant player and on a good day there is no one capable of defeating her. The problem is that the good days are increasingly rare and fitness concerns have been keeping her away from the tennis court for quite a while. This should provide challengers with the opportunity of winning the coveted trophy at Roland Garros and Maria Sharapova seems like the strongest contender at the time of writing. She had to fight hard for winning in Rome, but even though she required additional sets to come on top, what matters the most is that she overcame all the adversity and prevailed. She is going to play only the second half due to her superior ranking, so this should grant her some more time to recuperate after the exhausting tournament. The deeper she goes in the tournament, the better her chances are to win because Maria is capable of withstanding a lot of pressure and knows how to focus in tournament finals.
via Casinoreviews
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In the spirit of the top post of all time, an attempt to compile all of Trump's scandals and controversies.

Leaving out anything done by “supporters,” “allies,” or “aides,” but including some endorsements included at the end. Date, circumstance, and link.
I may have to edit this if formatting is wonky. I know it isn't totally comprehensive and may not be up to date on the last few days. I tried to be scrupulously fair although obviously I hate the dude.
submitted by scandalstossacct to EnoughTrumpSpam [link] [comments]

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