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My dad's girlfriend is the bane of my existence

I'm new so sorry in advance if I type any of this wrong. So basically long story short when I[M16] was about 2 or so my mom[F51] and dad[M54} divorced. He has since had 2 girlfriends. The first one was some rich british control freak that believed me and my 2 older siblings were sabotaging their relationship. Now for the past 2 years he's been dating this loud mouth control freak guinea from Florida. Her favorite things to do (and pretty much the only things she ever does around me) are act like she's our mom, act like she's a genuine part of family, talk about being italian, talk about being from Florida, talk about her son and how he's in college and talk about her dogs. At first I genuinely liked her and was hoping my dad would stay with her but for the past 4 or 5 years she's been getting worse and worse. For a little more backstory me and my sister[F28] live in Colorado with my mom and stepdad and my brother[M26] recently moved here in 2020 but before that he was living in California and my dad's been living in and around vegas for the past 13 or so years. In 2018 my dad and his girlfriend flew us (my siblings and I), my sister's husband (fiance at the time) and my grandma from my dad's side to Vegas where we hung out with them for around a week. The main problem was that her job is somesort of travel agent thing so she controlled everything we did while we were there which was incredibly annoying and awkward. I thought nothing of it until 2019 when they flew me out to their new apartment and she was doing the same shit. I started to get annoyed but still thought nothing of it. Then a few months after I saw them my sister got married and she tried to keep my dad from seeing us and talking to my mom. After that I barely talked to them until late 2020. The day before Thanksgiving I was at the McDonald's drive thru when I got calls and text from my dad and brother saying that the grandma that went to Vegas with us was found dead in her home. She was a huge part of my life and I loved her dearly so when I got the news I was heartbroken and became incredibly depressed for a few days. Eventually about a week after we got the news my dad flew me and my sister out to California with him and his girlfriend. We went to our hometown where she lived and started to clean out her house. Unfortunately my grandma was an extreme hoarder so it took us days just to clean certain parts of the house. This is where things got bad. My dad's girlfriend started going on and on about how she was such great friends with my grandma which was just a straight up lie. She then started to just take things from the house without even asking if anyone else wanted them. She started arguments with my dad. At one point my and my sister were cleaning out some garbage when the bitch just went outside and facetimed her friend and proceeded to start talking about how she was "in some dump in the woods". There's more that she did that I can't remember specifically. My grandma had an early 2000s jeep liberty that she left for me but I don't have a license so we had to make a plan on how to get it back to Colorado. This bitch decided we would drive from California to Reno where we would stay for a few days until my stepdad could fly to Reno and help us drive the Jeep back home. The bitch got us rooms at some fancy hotel/casino. One at she ordered dinner for us (chose our food instead of letting us choose) and she got us well done steaks (horrible). She the proceeded to complain about my sister's outfit and my hair for the entire night. My dad finally got upset at her for this so she retaliated by reading the dress code for the restaurant while we were eating. She then changed the plan and had us stay in reno while they left a day early. My step dad's flight got delayed so we just stayed overnight at a different hotel and left the next morning. This pissed her off so much she blocked our numbers on my dad's phone, called my mom and cussed her out, left rude voicemails for me and my sister, and a few other things my mom refuses to tell me. Now in early January she surprised me by buying me tickets to fly to Vegas late this month and fly back early next month. She used my dad's military discount without asking which is something he doesn't like doing cause of his ptsd and shit and she surprised him with it too so he wasn't able to get days off work. Because of that he's only gonna have 1 of the 4 days off. She basically stole my grandma's secret cookbook that was for our family when we were cleaning her house and now she's bragging about how she's gonna make my grandma's food for me and my dad and has already given some of the secret family recipes to her friends. Now my dad's saying that he wants to fly me and my siblings out to my grandma's hometown in hawaii so we can spread her ashes but I can just already tell that his girlfriend's gonna come along and make the trip all about her.
submitted by Snoo-82933 to family [link] [comments]

Aquaman #37: Headline

Aquaman #37: Headline

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Author: Predaplant
Book: Aquaman
Arc: Breach
Set: 54
“Great to finally meet you, Your Majesties.” the man in the suit said, nodding to Orin and Mera. “My name is Dr. Stephen Shin. I’m an expert on Atlantis; or, at least, an expert on surface perceptions of your fine nation. I’ll be interviewing you today.”
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Shin.” Mera sat with her legs folded and her hands clasped lightly on her lap.
Orin sat next to her. They were in plain wooden chairs that he was finding very uncomfortable. He had no idea how Mera was able to look so composed; he couldn’t stop fidgeting. “Likewise. I assume you’ve been very busy these past few months.”
Shin smiled. “That would be correct. But for you two, there’s always time. Shall I start with my questions?”
Nodding, Orin tried to force a smile. He had heard smiling helped people feel more relaxed. He had spent the last few weeks travelling, meeting with international delegates, and it had worked wonders for him. “Go ahead, Doctor.”
Clearing his throat, Shin held his papers up to his eye level, peering through his bifocals. “You may have fully revealed yourself to the world recently, but a few years ago, Your Majesty, you showed yourself and your abilities to us as a member of the Justice League. Have you noticed any difference in treatment now that the world knows you’re a king, as opposed to when you were strictly considered a hero?”
“There is a bit of a difference. People still do their best to treat me well, and people are still wary of how powerful I am. But it’s a different type of power.” Orin tapped his foot as he thought. “I’d say the biggest difference isn’t across time, but across space. In Atlantis, I’m the king. That’s what I’m known for. Here... people look at me, they see Aquaman, not King Orin. So getting past that impression is the hardest part for me when trying to be taken seriously.” He glanced down at his clothes before laughing. “Maybe I should be wearing a suit instead of these scales. That might command more respect.”
Orin tried to look nonchalant, the blond-haired white man in Tokyo thumbing through a tankōbon with somebody who looked an awful lot like him on the cover. He had started a world tour of sorts. His travels hadn’t started out that way. At first they were just a few visits to individual countries. However, it seemed whenever he got around to visiting a country there were three more invitations waiting for him back in Atlantis, so it got to the point where he simply wanted to do all of them in one fell swoop.
And when he got to Japan, it only made sense that he should go and check out his manga. The temptation to see what the world thought of him was too alluring.
He couldn’t read Japanese, but flipping through it it was obvious that the mangaka had taken some... creative liberties.
When he reached the drum-playing octopus he had to back out.
Sliding the tankōbon back on the shelf, he headed back to the entrance, sliding past a couple teens, whose mouths gaped open. “Aquaman...” he heard one of them whisper.
He nodded in their direction as he exited the store. They followed, pulling out their phones and taking pictures. Orin waved his hand as he speed-walked away. “No pictures, please.”
They kept following him. As he walked, a few people turned to stare at him. They recognized him. Blub.
He took a deep breath as he headed for Tokyo Bay. Looking over his shoulder, there were now around a dozen people following him, and as the noise behind him grew louder he broke into a run. The bay was within sight, with only one street between him and the harbour.
The light turned red just a second too late, the intersection in front of him filling up with cars. He was swarmed by more camera flashes and people reaching towards him with pen and paper, looking for autographs.
There was nothing for him to do but give the crowd what they wanted.
Two hours later he finally made it the last hundred metres to the Bay, slipping into the water softly. Hopefully wherever he headed next, he wouldn’t be as much of a celebrity.
Chuckling, Shin lowered his papers for a second. “Maybe. So Your Majesty Queen Mera...”
“Just Mera is fine.” she broke in. “I personally don’t mind, for the purposes of this interview. Do you mind if he uses your name, Orin?”
“Fine by me if you call me Orin, Dr. Shin.”
Shin nodded, glancing down at his papers. “Alright then. Mera, this has been your first major exposure to the surface and surface life. Have you been experiencing culture shock?”
Mera absentmindedly twirled her hair around her finger. “I don’t think culture shock’s quite the right word for it. Orin’s told me all about his life growing up, so I had a good idea of what the surface is like. And I don’t spend much time there anyways, since Orin’s much better suited to deal with our foreign relations considering his upbringing. From what I’ve seen, however, it seems like a very nice place, though it is very strange in some ways.”
Orin strolled down the boardwalk, holding Mera’s hand lightly in his. It had been a while since they’d had any real alone time that wasn’t taken up by the whale in the room of governing Atlantis.
He had wanted to bring her to the surface for a while, and Atlantic City was as good a place as any. Whenever they wanted to leave, they had an easy path to the sea, and he had never been as a child.
“So you’re telling me these casinos... people go there knowing that they’ll probably lose money?”
“Yeah,” Orin nodded. “But there’s a chance they might win. So they’ll keep trying.”
“People will do anything for a chance to win, huh?” she noted.
Orin turned to face her, pushing her scarlet hair back over her shoulder. “Maybe that’s what we’ve been doing, too. Trying to stare down the rest of the world and win.”
“We have a superhero, we can manage that.” Mera buried her face in his chest as she gave him a hug.
“Thanks for the support.” Orin said, stroking her hair. “Now come on, let’s get some taffy.”
Mera looked up at him from the hug. “Taffy? Some surface food, I presume.”
“You got it. It’s good, you have to try it. Nothing like this in Atlantis, I can promise you that.” Orin had been counting the taffy stalls as they had been walking, and he had gotten up to almost fifty. Spotting one just ahead of them, he pointed as he said “Let’s go to that one.”
As they approached, the man behind the counter smiled at them. “You want some taffy?”
“We’ll take a bag.” Orin said.
“What is this... taffy... exactly like?” Mera asked cautiously.
The taffy maker smiled. “You’ve never had saltwater taffy before?”
“No, this’ll be my first time.”
He stared off into space. “Ah, if only I could experience having taffy for the first time again...” He turned back to Mera, a grin on his face. “You’re in for a treat.”
Mera nodded. “Thank you very much.”
Orin paid for the taffy, and they made their way to a nearby bench. Sitting down, with his arm around Mera’s shoulder, Orin opened the bag.
Taking a piece, Mera popped it into her mouth, chewed slowly, and swallowed. Her face lit up. “This is really good!”
“I’m really happy you like it. Here, take another.” Orin smiled as he unwrapped the taffy.
“Well, I’m very glad to hear you think that about us.” Shin turned back to face Orin. “Do you think Atlantis has anything to be afraid of from the surface? Or vice versa, of course.”
“If we had to fear anything from the surface it would be surface weaponry, and surface heroes. Just knowing that we exist makes us a much easier target to hit.” Orin said. “After all, it seems like there’s a threat to civilization as we know it a couple times a month, so that in itself is a terrifying proposition for a nation to face for the first time, or at least be made newly aware of.”
Mera squeezed Orin’s hand, the signal to let her take over. Looking over to her, she smiled at him. “As for the surface being afraid of us, I wouldn’t be too worried. We’re relatively small, and while many of us do have... powers, we will do our best to keep our citizens in line. Rest assured that we have no intentions of attacking the coastal nations of the world.”
Shin smiled at her. “Thanks for the reassurance.”
“The Justice League trusts me.” Orin said calmly. “If you trust them, then you can trust me.”
Having imagined England as an alternative magical world as a child, Orin was disappointed, to put it mildly, as he made his way through the streets to the rendezvous point.
It just looked like the US, except the street was mirrored.
And it was a lot more rainy.
Head down, still hoping that he’d stumble across something out of one of the imported picture books he read as a kid, Orin turned into a small alcove and knocked on a plain, unassuming, dark blue door, paint faded from what seemed to be long years of neglect.
The door opened, and Orin walked through, head still down.
He found himself in a plain foyer that had a few hallways branching off of it. Using his powers to push the rain off of himself, he collected it into a ball and used the water to give the plants in the corner of the room a light shower before walking down the hallway with the gold carpeting.
Fifth door on the right. Knock four times. Orin stood around in the hallway for a few seconds, tapping the shoes he had purchased the day before in Ottawa. Shoes didn’t keep long underwater; he’d gone through three or four pairs already since he had started his tour.
Orin looked around the room. Three diplomats, there to greet him. They shook hands, gave him their names. Plus a hero in the corner, as always, this one dressed in a Tower Guard outfit. Nobody bothered to tell Orin the hero’s name; it was like he wasn’t there.
It wasn’t actually that bad. They didn’t have too many questions for him, especially compared to some of the other NATO countries he had visited, and said they could use a similar contract to the one Atlantis had used with the US. Plus he didn’t have to worry about his words going through an interpreter, which was a nice bonus.
After only an hour and a half he was ready to leave. It was short, as these meetings went. As he turned to go after shaking hands, one of them tapped on his shoulder.
Stopping, he looked back at her. She was shorter than average, with green eyes and blonde hair that was tied back in a bun. Her name had been given as Stubbs. “Can we speak in private? It won’t be long.”
“Alright, you know somewhere here that’s private?” Orin asked.
She nodded. “Just through here.” Moving quickly, she pulled open the door to the hall. Orin followed and stuck his head around the corner to see her unlocking another door a couple doors down.
He followed her as she pushed the door open to reveal a bare room with a couple chairs. Closing the door, she moved to lock it behind her. Orin grabbed her hand.
“I’d rather not be locked in here with somebody I don’t trust, Stubbs.” Orin said quietly. “Please leave it unlocked, if you can’t leave it open.”
She paused, and looked up at him for a second, casually leaning against the door. “OK” she replied.
“So what is it you wanted to ask me?” he asked. “Must be pretty important if you need so much privacy.”
She looked around the room, drawing a shaky breath and letting it out before responding. When she did, it was in a hesitant tone. “Have you heard about N.E.M.O.?”
Orin scratched his head. “No? Should I have?”
Stubbs smiled for a moment. “If you had I’d be surprised. But you should know about them and that’s why I’m telling you. They’re an organization that seeks to gain control over the oceans. I have a... family connection to them. I know they’re trying to destroy you and Atlantis as a whole.”
He nodded, pushing past her to grab the door handle. “Thanks for letting me know. Hope you have a good day, any other hobby groups you want to let me know about?”
“No, you don’t understand, they’re going to destroy Atlantis!” she repeated, placing her hand over his, struggling to prevent him from moving the handle.
Orin sighed. “Listen, Stubbs, there are always going to be groups wanting to destroy you. You learn that, as a king. Almost none of them are going to be able to make any serious attempt. I’ve learned to let it go.” He opened the door. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to make it back to Atlantis for dinner.”
“That leads me to another question.” Shin pulled out a pen and scribbled down a few words on his paper. “Has the Justice League said anything to you about your reveal? After all, it has made a pretty big splash.” He sat in silence for a few moments. “Pardon the pun.”
“Any conversations I’ve had with any other members of the Justice League are between us, Dr. Shin. That being said, it’s nice to be able to be more open. You might see me helping the League more often in the future; I know I haven’t been the best teammate.” Tapping his finger on the arm of his chair, Orin gazed at a fixed point in space. “Leading Atlantis has and will always come first, and I trust my teammates to handle crises.”
There was a quick knock on the door before Dolphin came rushing in on a cold current. Orin and Mera were eating dinner together, Orin having just returned from another surface visit. “We’ve got mail!!” She swooped down in front of her foster parents. “Got a few letters from your Templar friends, Mera. And something that is apparently top secret for you, Orin.” She squinted at a package she was carrying about the size of her fist, that had been stamped with a Top Secret stamp on five of the six sides. Tentatively, she placed it in front of him.
“Thanks, Dolphin.” He stared at the box as it sat on the table. He hesitated to open it. The sixth side bore a different stamp. The Justice League one.
“You gonna open that now?” Mera asked.
Orin looked at the box for a few more seconds before answering. “I might leave it for a few days. Let it sit a bit, you know?”
“You should probably open it now.” she said, showing him a letter she had received.
It simply stated, in letters big enough for him to read it from across the table:
“Alright, fine, I’m doing it!” Orin said as he dug his nail into the box, prying it open.
Inside was a Justice League communicator and a note. Picking up the scrap of paper, Orin squinted at the tiny writing:
 Hi Orin, We didn’t know if your communicator got lost or broken, since the originals weren’t pressure-tested, so here’s a new one that should work even down in Atlantis! We haven’t heard from you in a while and you’ve been on our minds recently so here’s a token of appreciation! Btw I rigged it so I get a notification if you broke the seal, so you should receive a call from me soon! All the best, Watchtower 
(Then there were two lines below that were even tinier, each in their own handwriting:)
 + Wonder Woman And Wonder Girl! 
The communicator buzzed. Staring warily at it, Orin pressed the button with one finger.
“Hello? This is Watchtower calling Atlantis? Anyone there?”
Clearing his throat, Orin responded. “Hi Watchtower! This is Aquaman speaking from Atlantis.”
“Oh good, we were able to reach you! I was worried it would get intercepted somewhere along the line. So, how have you been doing?” Watchtower’s voice sounded out across the dining hall with just a hint of static.
“We’re doing good! Yeah...” Orin looked across the table at Mera, staring at him as she slowly chewed her greens. “We’re eating dinner right now, though. Can we call you back later?”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever works for you guys. I always forget about time zone differences. Just give me a shout when you’re available.”
“Will do. Talk soon.” Orin turned the communicator over in his hand.
“Alright, talk then!” The absence of the voice somehow made the hall seem that much emptier.
“So... who was that?” Dolphin asked, grinning.
“I don’t think any of us fault you for your devotion to Atlantis, Orin. It is a truly incredible place.” Shin said as he flipped over his page. “One last question for the night. Would you say that you’ve met with any... complications with your arrival into the larger global marketplace?”
Mera replied, her quiet voice resonating in the mostly empty room. “Things have been mostly smooth. We’ve been opening up in stages, and things have been running smoothly. The biggest complication has been sorting out the mess of requests for surface visits and trade that we’ve had since we’ve started opening up. Turns out when a whole world suddenly opens up, people want to see it.”
The first requests for visas to Atlantis had come in the day before, and Swatt was a bit swamped, to say the least. He was surprised he had found enough filing cabinets in all of Atlantis to keep things in order; he hadn’t bothered to count the requests, but there must have been at least a few hundred. And each one had to have a reason for visiting that had to be corroborated with some Atlantean contact, and they had to have a background check from their associated government... it had sounded good at the time, but he didn’t know that there would be so much work.
Knocks sounded on the door to Swatt’s office. Fast, three times. Grumbling, Swatt got up and opened the door to find Tula waiting for him. “We’ve got a disturbance out at the trading point. Your assistance is needed as soon as possible.”
“Is that supposed to mean now?” Swatt asked.
“Yes” Tula replied.
“Alright, I’m coming, I’m coming.” Swatt followed Tula, the door left open behind them. Blub the visas, they could wait until another day.
It took a while to reach the outer limits of Atlantis, where the trading point was located. Swatt wished he was able to talk to Tula, but due to only being half-Atlantean he was marginally slower than her, and his breathing was strained just trying to keep up.
A lot of the other Drift soldiers tended to look down on him. It happened, especially considering his origins and relative lack of skill, but Swatt had helped train Tula when she was just a kid coming up through the ranks, and he hoped that she still thought well of him. At least she remembered to go slowly.
When Swatt finally surfaced and pulled himself over the edge of the sea platform that served as the hub, the problem wasn’t immediate. There was no man standing over a bomb, nor was there a boat full of rice that needed to be paid for, cash on delivery.
As he clambered onto the platform, everything looked normal. That is, until Tula brought him over to a Black woman with two young children, standing together next to a speedboat at the edge of the platform. “I’ve been here an hour waiting for someone who can see to let us know if you guys can take us as immigrants yet. Couldn’t find anything saying for sure online so I just figured I’d come and see what you guys can do.”
There was a hiss as Swatt removed his helmet. “We don’t have anything set up in stone yet, but we might be able to work with existing laws, set something up real quick. I’ll talk to the king, see what I can do.”
She nodded, optimism tinging her voice. “Thank you. I don’t want a part in any country that’s gotten to the point that Lex Luthor might turn out as president.” She spat out Luthor’s name spitefully.
Swatt pulled his helmet back on and dove into the ocean.
A couple hours later, he returned. “Alright, I’ve drafted up this basic immigration law, nothing fancy but it’ll do, and I got the Queen to sign it. I’ve got somebody to bring up suits for you and your children. Had to guess at the sizes, but they should be close. Is it alright if you come to my office for some forms?”
She nodded, a smile on her face. “Thank you so much for all of this, I never meant to cause so much trouble, I swear.”
“We needed immigration law anyways, ma’am. Don’t worry too much about it.” Swatt looked at the setting sun across the waves. Another day gone. But at least he had gotten something done, helped somebody out. In the end, wasn’t that always the goal?
“I’ll end it here then. Orin, Mera, I’m glad to have met you. Hopefully I can come visit your great civilization soon.” Shin stood up, holding his papers under his arm.
“We’ll be happy to have you.” Orin said, stretching.
After Shin left the room, Orin turned to Mera. “So, what’d you think?”
“Easier than you were making it out to be.” She headed for the exit.
“Come on, Mera, you’re telling me you weren’t nervous?” Orin followed after her.
She punched his arm. “Don’t take it so seriously, I was just joking. Yes, I was nervous. But thank you, for taking the lead.”
Rubbing his arm, Orin grinned. “Alright then, let’s head back to Atlantis. Can’t let the work pile up too much.”
Mera smiled. “Lead the way.”
Orin and Garth have both been manipulated by N.E.M.O., despite their best efforts. Backed into a corner, they need to decide their next courses of action. Will they join together, or will rising tensions force them apart? Breach reaches its conclusion!
Coming December 1 in Aquaman #38!
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submitted by Predaplant to DCFU [link] [comments]

Fancy Dress Party! Tonight 8-9 BST @ Diamond Casino Penthouse.

Get your outfits ready and come over to the Diamond Casino Penthouse tonight for the biggest fancy dress party ever!
Free champagne | All rooms open | Fancy Dress | 8-9
Bring a spare outfit to avoid embarrassment.
Comment or inbox PSN ID to be invited.
submitted by Sminton92010 to HeistTeams [link] [comments]

[Let's build D100] Ships you might come across in a busy port.

The party has come into a busy port and decide to visit some other ships. Who might they discover, what might they find?

d100 Interesting Ships in a Port

  1. Shani and Aurora's Tent of Two - The two goblin sisters Shani and Aurora sail providing services to port settlements. Shani claims to be a seer and charges 60gp for a "reading" of the future (she is not). Aurora 'The useful one' provides the service of casting identify for 20gp. She may also agree to sell some of her extensive library if offered the right price. [dweeb_bush]
  2. The Bones Brothers - The bones brothers are a travelling group of jolly bards. As their name suggests they are animated skeletons. Jimbo-double bass, Timbo-guitar, Limbo-vocals, Dimbo-marimba and Franky-drums. They are very hospitable and put on a show for anyone who comes and visits them! [dweeb_bush]
  3. The Lovers - A small nondescript boat lies just off the dock. The is no sign of activity on board apart from the dock inspector who is trying to find out who's boat it is. The truth is the owners of the boat died ten days ago and the boat has miraculously drifted safely into port. on a successful DC 10 investigation or perception check the party members discover two young male elves cowering in the cannonball chest. When the lid is lifted they start begging for their life. If pressed they reveal that the crew was attacked by sirens, the majority of the crew succomed to the siren's calls however the two young boys, deeply infatuated with each other did not care for their temptation. They ran out of food last night and thought they were surely doomed! [dweeb_bush]
  4. The Crows - A large black boat rests in port, neatly secured off one of the more expensive jettys. The most defining feature of the boat is that it is bustling with activity, not by humanoids but 3d12 black ravens. One wears a small captains hat and appears to undersatnd the party. If the party casts speak with animals they discover that the crows were awakened through a series of trials on a new spell aimed to mass awaken a group of creatures. The crows have varying degrees of intelligence and are all chaotic neutral alligned. The crows rebelled from, Hignory Flip, the wizard running the trials on a small island about 2 days sail from the port, and stole his ship. [dweeb_bush]
  5. Captain Redbeak! - A suspicious longship hovers low on the water. There is a steady stream of humanoids entering the covered boat and leaving a few minutes later with a small package. The ship belongs to Captain Redbeak, a feirce pirate captain who runs a drug trade: the drug in question is a relatively cheap drug called "Peak Water" and is collected dew from mountaintops, it gives the user a high that lasts 1d4 hours and gives the user a d4 of bardic inspiration. It costs 10gp per hit. The ship is manned by 2d6 Bandits, and if threatened or reported they will attempt to kill the party in defence of their lives. [dweeb_bush]
  6. Crazy Mr McGee - A delerious man stands warding off the dock guards with what looks like a loaded blunderbus. He's yelling about his notorious reputation as a savage pirate and keeps claiming they have come to "Take away my princess". The princess he's referring to is his boat- he imagines that it is a glourious gallion but in reality it's just a rowboat. If the party manage to subdue the man the dock guards thank them and offer to buy them a drink later that night in the tavern. [dweeb_bush]
  7. A Con??? - The players are drawn to a commotion hidden behind a crowd of people. A large goliath (Manneo) seems to have taken a small dwarf (Skalgrouth) hostage and is threatening to slit his throat if the dock guard do not meet his demands "I'll bloody well kill 'im if you don't give me what I want: 100gp worth of rubies and free passage out of this shit hole!". In reality the goliath and dwarf are working together pulling off this stunt at various ports in the area, so far, to great success! [dweeb_bush]
  8. The Rat's Den - The players follow a stream of rats on board a decrepid looking riverfairing vessel. When they make cross into the canvassed interior they see an old kobold playing the pipes, he seems to be a rat-catcher. If the party interrupt him in his ritual he turns the a swarm of rats against the party and runs off into the port. [dweeb_bush]
  9. Seeking Refuge - A smallish sloop titled 'The Diamond Endeavour' pulls into port, it's sinking and fast! A crew member (Emery Green) jumps onto the dockside and is yelling for help. The vessel was struck by a great storm while at sea and they sustained damage when they brushed by a reef. Luckily they werent wrecked but unluckily they could not repair all the damage with materials on board. They've been bailing for hours and can no longer bail as fast as the ship is filling up with water! If the characters wish to help they can make a DC 13 group athletics check to bail enough water to stop the crew from having to jump ship and leave it to sink. If the players are successful Emery thanks them profusely and offers them a map to a shipwreck they were on the way to dive at before the storm hit them. "It's rumoured that this is the wreck of the old pirate lord, Feather Toothed Bill's ship and may hold riches beyond imagine!" [dweeb_bush]
  10. The Gilded Sail - A group of merchants, all of various races, each offering unique, and expensive, magical trinkets. True to their name, their sail is actually a thin sheet of gold, and the rest of their ship is covered in valuable metals and gems. It’s also very well armed, as are the merchants aboard. Keep an eye on the rogue when this one’s around. [Dragon_Overlord]
  11. The Patchwork - A large ship which seems to have been destroyed and repaired numerous times with whatever material the crew had, from birch wood to copper metal to even welded armor and weapons. Speaking of the crew, they appear to be a mishmash of Kenku, Kobold, Halfling, and the occasional Tabaxi and Goblin. The captain appears to be a raccoon by the name of Majos, which, if your party stumbles upon the question of why and how a raccoon is a ship captain, she would respond with “a salty mage who didn’t know how to win a simple game of cards had a tantrum.” She would then offer the party a game of cards in which if the party beats Majos, she rewards the party a hefty sum of 100 GP, and if any party member is any of the races listed above, she rewards an additional magic item (DM’s choice) and offers a position to the party member for them to join her crew. Accept and the party is taken to an additional encounter to an island for treasure. Decline is acceptable and Majos would accept any favor from the party. [SpyroAndToothless]
  12. The Feyr Winds - An elegant ship that carries goods and treasures from far off Elven lands run by a mixture of elven and faerie creatures. Their most illustrious goods are fruits that can do many things such as heal wounds, cure poisons, or even granting stat bonuses for a minute! (Vendor: Fruits are magical and can take on the effect of any potion you want.) [OSpiderBox]
  13. Gnasher's Maw - A tribal-ized longship driven by a "merry" band of lizard folk. They obviously don't understand personal space or social norms, and are seeking people to help them with a Giant problem. (Hook: if your party is having downtime while they look for their next quest, this could be that hook they need.) [OSpiderBox]
  14. The Esteemed Steamboat - Artificers run this marvel of steam engineering. However... it's currently in a state of disrepair. Looks like heavy damage from some monstrosity. While they're extremely proficient in fixing it, they have no money and are looking for work to pay for supplies. (Allies: party could hire some of them for an upcoming task/adventure, or even offer to fund the repairs in exchange for favopassage.) [OSpiderBox]
  15. The Mainstream (You’ll never need a bigger boat!) - A casino cruise ship featuring a large game room, several bars, comfortable rooms, a pool and a hot tub fueled by a continual flame spell. It is captained by a tall, brown scaled lizardfolk woman named Kepesk. The dealers are kenku bards repeating rules and barking (“Step right up, try you’re luck at the Wheel of the Goddess of Fortune!”) There is also a large vault of gold on board, guarded by lizardfolk soldiers. One particular patron is looking for a few helping hands for a bit of a caper now that he knows the guards patrol schedules. [spiff2]
  16. Rocinante - A relatively fancy and expensive ship being up kept by the Quijano family and their servants. The last living member of the family is a young man, obsessed with swords and thirst for adventure. He agrees to let the team borrow the ship, in exchange for him coming with them on their adventures to wherever they’re going. [DrFishPhd]
  17. Deep Blue - In a corner of the harbour, a seemingly empty ship. Sails are neatly furled, crew seems to have left the ship mere hours ago. On the deck, small openings allows the visitor to enter the hold, in it, some barrels, hammocks. Beside one of the hammock, a book, quite old, written in an old version of Common language.In the middle of the hold, some blankets cover a group of trunks, under these trunks, another opening ... leading to another hold. In this hold, vessels, old fashioned lanterns, and some parchment written in ancient language. At the bottom of a bulkhead, an opening, some stairs gong down in another hold.Wood seems ancient, and strange figures are carved into the wooden parts of the boats. Some ancient runes are covering pillars. In the middle of the hold, a panel with nails made of some unknown metal, once open, stairs going down in the dark. From the shadows, the noise of little splaches. [doctor_providence]
  18. The Mosquito - Run by a crew of githyanki pirates. What seems like a normal battle vessel, once on the open ocean, the sails begin turning outward and suddenly the ship begins gliding above the waters surface at fast speeds. [GladiatorJustin]
  19. The C.H.U.D.- The Shell of a massive deceased Dragonturtle floats next to the dock, it’s ends sealed by mechanical claws, and a viewport fitted into the front. The C.H.U.D. (Chelonian Hammerworked Underwater Dirigible) was designed by the Gnomish Inventor Hector Copperspark. Crewed by gnomes and halflings as they are the only ones small enough to man the complex machinery crammed into the turtle shell, the C.H.U.D. is a mercenary vessel that hires out to perform naval attacks. Hector just got a lead on a new job, and he needs some muscle to pull it off... [Lakandalwa]
  20. The Temple - A ship that serves as a mobile temple to a water deity. It goes from port to port to carry services. [SMGB_NeonYoshi]
  21. Cloudscraper - One of the gems of the Romish Empire's formidable fleet, the Cloudscraper is a powerful warship specially constructed for defeating sea monstrosities of all kinds. Developed after the Queen's late husband was killed by an island feeder (colossal sea beasts known for swallowing swaths of land whole), this vessel with an imposing tower-like bridge is loaded up with all types of harpoons, cannons, and magical armor. Some even say that, thanks to a powerful magical engine, the top half of the ship can separate from the brig to chase after flying beasts attempting to get away. With how famous it is, plenty of townsfolk are eager to get a look at the shining bronze beast of a boat. But what's it doing here of all places? [MildlyConcernedGhost]
  22. The Wistful Wanderer - A small sloop with a single cabin in the middle of the deck. A skilled observer might note that the sails and rigging as well as the rudder occasional shift to right the ship or tighten and secure themselves more. The cabin is actually permanently enchanted with a Mordenkainen’s Magnificent mansion and the ship is handled by a permanent crew of 20 unseen servants. It is owned by the Wandering Wizard Wesley Wrycroft. He sails the world at his leisure, seeking trade for scrolls and arcane artifacts. He also regularly hires adventurers to gather difficult to reach artifacts from unworthy hands whenever he finds a lead on the location of such a relic. [Lakandalawa]
  23. The Magic Brawler - A merchant ship with a very strong looking captain comes to port. If the party chooses to look at their items the captain will challenge the party to an arm wrestling match. Beating a DC 20 strength check will award the party one minor magic item from the captain's personal stash, and beating a DC 25 strength check will award a magic item of the DMs choosing. [TheInstitute4]
  24. The Friend Ship - A comfortable looking wooden ship full of people just hanging out on the deck. While aboard this ship you find yourself under the effects of the Charm Person spell to make everyone friendly with each other. [Stormkiko]
  25. The Dragon Ship - Captained by a Dragonborn with a dragon head on the prow, this ship is a merchant vessel crewed by a muscular Dragonborn who sits on the deck smoking a long pipe. The ship has put down for repairs after grazing a rock which tore a few holes in the starboard side. [AndreTheSalty]
  26. Kender - A rag tag ship filled with swashbuckling Kender. The ship looks like it was made from bits and pieces of many different ships.The Kender are very drunk and have no idea how they got to this port. [Slainlion]
  27. The Poor Captain - A ship that looks broken and near sinking, in truth it's one of the most armed ship on the seas. It uses help calls or just their non threatening look to lure ships close so that they can attack them. [DungeonsAndScouts]
  28. The Fisticuffs- A medium sized rowdy ship sits a little way out from the dock. The ship has two massive hands stemming from the hulls on long mechanical arms. The hands have an AC of 25, a damage threshold of 5, and 30 health each. They ship can leave the water and "walk" on the hands. The ship is primarily a combat ship and is crewed by a band of mischevious gnome tinkerers. In addition to attacking (+10 to hit: 4d6 + 8 bludgeoning damage) the hands can also cast Bigby's hand once per day. [dweeb_bush]
  29. The Grain Barge - A large barge with a dirt floor and wheat growing. A single old man lives on the barge, and sells wheat for 2 pountds per copper piece. In the hull of the barge, accessible only by a trapdoor in the old man's shack, is a large pile of carrots. [serious_tabaxi]
  30. Sea Rot - A large gallion speeds into port with a yellow flag raised. As soon as they dock and have paid the docking fee the captain, a large half-orc woman called Mishka, starts calling for help! She reveals that over half of her crew has contracted a strange plague and she fears for her life. She came to port to seek medical assisstance but fears she is infected so dares not go ashore.The plague - Sea Rot - Is highly contagious and air-borne: if a creature comes within 5ft. of an infected creature they must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution save or become infected themself, symptoms take 1d10 days to manifest. The symptoms of Sea Rot are gruesome, starting with the extremities of the body, the body starts depositing water in cytoplasm-like sacks. At the end of every long rest the creature takes 2d6 cold damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution save or suffer 1 permanent constitution damage, the infected creature also has disadvantage on strength and dexterity checks. It can only be cured by magical means that remove a disease.If the party fetches help she rewards them with a small favour and a pouch full of gemstones worth 50gp, in addition, if the party can cure the 20 crew members and contain the plague she offers them passage anywhere, offers an additional 100gp, and her cutlass- a +1 scimmitar that also increases the holder's charisma by 2 while holding it. [dweeb_bush]
  31. Grok's Galley - A medium-sized ship piloted by a Tortle named Grok(He Understands Things)11. The ship is a 2 sailed vessel with few cannons and other wartime mechanisms on them. The crew is very resilient and full of ragtag non-humaniods. Gnolls, Dragonborn, Ratfolk etc.He's about to set sail back home as he's heard of this group of ratfolk that are trying to overthrow the government in his home town. [VKilledTInternet]
  32. The Abigail - An old warship thought to be lost that had been renovated and turned into an inn. It’s run by two very attractive siblings, who turn out to be sirens and one night, they take the boat out to the sea and eat all the passengers. [TardyTortoise]
  33. The Comfort - This massive galleon is an independent freebooter that refuses to pay allegiance to any nation or city. Housing a collection of skilled healers and clerics, the Comfort sails to areas struck by famine, plague, and war, providing healing to whomever requests it. The sailors aboard the vessel have all sworn the same oath, to defend the healers and their patients with their lives no matter the cost.While the Comfort usually is accepted at any port, it sometimes comes under attack when it travels to war torn regions and as such is well equipped to defend itself should it come under attack. [Lakandalawa]
  34. Arabian Traders - An exotic merchant vessel filled with silks, spices, and strange spirits is disembarking. A dashing arabian prince asks basic questions about the city, potentially becoming enamored with one of the party members. He is rich and slightly crazy, and believes anything can be bought for a price. This gets him into trouble when he tries to buy someone's hand in marriage to add to his collection of luxuries and many wives back in his home port. [jfractal]
  35. Deep Sea Scavengar - Salty, untrustworthy sailors (who look like pirates) are disembarking/unloading from their latest voyage. They have been at sea for months, and haven't seen a woman in that long - they openly hit on and jeer at any females in the group with a CHA score of 11 or higher. One sailor tells a fanciful story about sirens that they encountered on their voyage, killing 3 of their men (it's hard to tell if they are serious or not). [jfractal]
  36. His majesty's secret - A heavily outfitted, small warship is in a secret mission from the king. Heavily armed/armored guards stand watch over the docks, turning away everyone, and refusing to divulge their purpose here. [jfractal]
  37. Smallminded Yokels - A small, local fishing vessel filled with xenophobic, small-minded fisherman. The make disparaging remarks about any non-humans if approached. If the party gives them lip, they will get jumped by the crew the next time they wander the harbor at night. [jfractal]
  38. Mussel's Mate - A large fishing vessel that has seen it's better days. Rigging is in tatters, masts are spliced together, mismatched patchworks sails. Oddly enough the captains quarters are extremely well apportioned not at all like the rest of the ship. [hamlet_d]
  39. The Wayward Lady - This ship has an all female crew. The species on board are the outcasts from different lands. They serve as a place for any who are lost to have a home, though men don't tend to stay for long for some reason. After a successful DC 20 insight check it can be found that men on board the ship for 4 months become women. [42firehawk]
  40. The Gypsy - On the deck is what appears to be a stage where beautiful female dancers perform to music provided by a small band of bards. One of the dancers, who is known as the Storyteller, tells stories through song as the rest of the dancers provide her the visuals/backup dancing. Her voice is noticeably quite low for a woman, but is very enchanting nonetheless. An insight check with a DC20 will reveal that all of the performers are cross-dressing men. [Crystalized13]
  41. The Stable - A ship of decent size that carries horses (or any other kind of mount in your game) from port to port and sells them at a decent price to tired and/or injured travelers. It is crewed by a family of six (mother is the captain, father, three sons, three daughters) and a few extras the gathered along their journey, namely; a nice old man who wants to see the world, a young woman with a fiery attitude and an obvious crush on one of the party members, a muscular Dragonborn who has obviously seen some action who now tends to the horses, a bard who offers entertainment to the crew on board and is particularly liked by the children, a mute Druid who helps the horses and is good friends with the Dragonborn (who interprets their sign), and an ex-pirate who loves the sea but wishes to leave their past behind them. [Crystalized13]
  42. The Penny Bucket - The penny bucket is barely a ship. It's looks like a wash-bucket with a wooden T nailed to it and has a large white shirt as a sale. As far as you can tell there's no way to steer, its an utter mystery to you how it ended up in port, let alone why the dock authority would charge it to dock. When you peer inside the bucket you see a small red pseudodragon peacefully sleeping on it's hoard, which consists of 3pp, 16gp, 103sp, and 56cp, 6 rubies worth 30gp, and a dusty diamond worth 300gp , and a small magical trinket of the DM's choice. If woken up the Pseudodragon wakes up and fiercely snarls , cowering, and protecting its stuff. The dragon will trade any of the items in its hoard if the adventurers offer something of value, or a large amount of food. If the party wants to adopt the dragon along with it's hoard it may be won over with gifts and a DC18 animal handling check. [dweeb_bush]
  43. The Crafty Raft - A makeshift raft has floated down the coast and slammed into the dock. There is no one on board and it appears to be unmanned. There is a note fixed to the mast with a tiny butterknife. The note has directions, "at the lightning stump follow the stream and rescue us". The raft, and attached note were made by crafty goblins attempting to lure creatures down the coast right into a trap. The goblins have made finding their hideout incredibly easy. With a DC 5 nature (tracking) check the party can find the tree and follow it down to the river. The real trap is a series of pitfall traps cleverly hidden in and around the stream. If the adventurers continue along the stream they must succeed on a DC18 Perception check to avoid it and must succeed on a DC14 Dexterity save or fall 10ft. into spikes and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 piercing damage. They are then accosted by 2d4 goblins. [dweeb_bush]
  44. The Illusory Boat - Moored in the port is a huge gleaming golden pirate ship, there must be at least 50 richly dressed halflings manning it. There's a long gangplank extending to the dock. Suddenly there's the noise of several cannons firing off. The guards rush over to the ship, fearing that they are attacking the port. They scream at the ship- "come down here and speak to us you cowards, we can't board your ship without permission but we will call the town guard!" A voice calls from the ship yelling insults at the guards aiming to infuriate them till they board the boat. If any one steps on the gangplank they must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity save or fall into the water, as they do the ship dissapears and it's revealed that the entire ship is a major illusion cast by three giggling wizards who run away from one of the neighboring piers. [dweeb_bush]
  45. The Question - There's a metallic ship floating in the water. From it you hear loud beeping, chirping, and whirring noises coming from it and it's attracted a large crowd of 3d10 townsfolk, who are fearfully inspecting the ship. As you approach closer you begin to hear a voice in all the artificial noises. You hear it asking thousands of questions, in thousands of voices: "who am I?", "why am I here?", "What's that ugly thing over there?", "what is the meaning to life", "Why are there people watching me?", and other creepy remarks that give the idea that the ship is conscious and scared. When the adventurers look into the boat they see a blinking green, light with a swirling marbled texture on it. The light turns red and starts asking questions very specific to the party. Before long it begins speaking in tongues and a flash of blinding light appears. The adventurers make a DC13 constitution save. On a failed save they are blinded for a minute and take 4d4 psychic damage or half as much on a successful save. When the adventurers look again the ship is gone and there is just a small gemstone floating in the water, whispering to the party in tongues that are unintelligible. [dweeb_bush]
  46. The mistake -A small boat that seems to have been renamed fairly recently. The - ake part of the name is in a different calligraphy and color from the rest of the name [Ido97]
  47. The Barnacle - An old weathered gun-ship bearing it's scars from many a battle, but nevertheless being no worse for the wear. Built strong from some ancient hardwoods and it has been well maintained to the best a ship of that age could be. The crew is a rowdy bunch of salty Dawgs that work as hard as they play...and they fight even harder. They may squabble amongst themselves, but don't you dare mess with or insult one of their brotherhood. They have come to port ready to sell their wares, collect their bounty and spend it irresponsibly. All so they can find their next mission and do it all over again. [gothic03]
  48. The Bauntoo - A strange ramshackle ship occupied by amphibious humanoids that spend near their entire lives out at sea, trade in weird cool stuff they've found deep diving into cool underwater locations like ocean ruins, and wont be at port for long. [Swerve-Bro]
  49. The Leviathan - A huge ship listing hard to one side, its mast broken halfway up and the sails drooping to the deck. All of the wood is dark brown, slimy and rotting out. It looks like someone pulled a shipwreck from the bottom of the sea and it remained afloat by some miracle. If the party inspects the ship, they will find it has already been thoroughly looted and all that remains of the crew are skeletons. (Whether the skeletons are animated or not is up to you). The dock guards will tell you that a huge fog rolled in last night and this ship was there when the fog lifted. [painterinsomniac]
  50. The Menagerie - A decent sized merchant ship, this one is run by all sorts of different creatures though none are humanoid. This ship was originally a travelling circus showing off all manner of awakened animals who were kept captive. The animals are quite amiable and will offer carry passengers in exchange for assistance selling their goods in markets. [painterinsomniac]
  51. The Coffin - A casket-shaped ship that contains the body of a 21-ft giant. The top of the casket has been fitted with sails and rigging and is manned by a crew of humans who tell the party that the giant hired them before his death. He always wanted to sail around the world, so half of all his treasures would be given to the crew who sailed him around the world. The money is to be awarded upon the crews return to the giant's family home, and the crew must have an artefact from each land to prove their voyage complete to the family and get their loot. Of course, the crew isn't bothering with actually sailing around the world - they're content to just make port for a year and trade people for ancestral trinkets so they can return to the land of giants in a year and take their massive loot. They've been given a hefty advance to cover the cost of their long voyage, so money is no object. Adventurers can sell their items if the item is from a distinct background (eg a Dwarven Warhammer, an Elven scroll of healing, etc). [Anceaus]
  52. The Lighthouse - This ship is captained by a young cowardly wizard and an equally nervous-looking crew of young human men. Atop the central mast is a large lighthouse light, which the owner uses to keep other ships far away from him while at sea so as to avoid any trouble. If approached, the captain will immediately begin grovelling and handing over loot at the sight of the party's weapons, offering them any onboard services he can think of for his crew to do for them (shoeshines, blade sharpening, armour mending).Turns out it's all an act - the captain is actually a conniving trickster who transports and deals in Light Blue Light, a magical drug that induces paranoia/twitchy behaviour but grants a 1d6 bonus to Strength for a period of 1 hour. [Anceaus]
  53. The Nest - A vaguely ship-shaped bramble of collected branches and tar, this vessel doesn't look like it should even float, much less sail. It's run completely by Kenku's. They love to collect shiny objects and every nook and cranny of the nest is filled with glittering pieces of treasure and trinkets, among which are a range of magical items.Anything can be bought for a price, but what they especially want is for the adventurers to help them get a shiny old chalice that they've spotted beneath the waters of the harbour - they aren't big swimmers. [Anceaus]
  54. The Half-Pint - An average looking, 2nd-rate ship run exclusively by halflings and gnomes. The crew are rolling a large number of barrels off the ship. A DC 13 Investigation Check will uncover that the Half-Pint has almost twice as many decks as a regular ship of that size and the diminutive crew use the extra space to smuggle illegal magical ale that has explosive side effects. If approached, the first mate (a scruffy gnome named Sebastiano who trusts people a little too easily considering his trade) will ask the party if they are 'for hire' or just want a cask.If the party is looking to buy, refer to the to determine what effect their beer has.If they're interested in the job, he would have them guard a supply wagon transporting contraband IPA to an old wizard who lives in an ivory tower in the nearby forest for a sum of 25gp each. What the party doesn't know is that the wizard is in the process of transitioning into a Lich, and the beer is the magical conduit by which he has been transforming. The wizard has the stats of a Revenant if the party chooses to fight him. If an unconscious creature drinks the illegal beer, they will be revived and become Undead. [Anceaus]
  55. The "Blu Moon" - A two masted Caravel. An ocean going merchant ship, that has recently been damaged by pirates, but escaped because they dumped all cargo overboard. The ship is being repaired and expected to be ready in two days. The captain, Quintus "Full" Moon, already has agreed to transport 24 bales of dyed fabric to [INSERT DESTINATION] but is now looking for some more cargo for the same destination. The rest of the crew is: first mate Eldan Wind (m half-elf), bosun Karrla (f half-orc), helmsman Olfie Re (f half-elf), cook Carlin Zwiet (f gnome), and four human sailors: Frenk(m), Ra(f), Tjoris(m) en Huub(m). Huub is a 12 year old boy on his first trip. [Jeeve65]
  56. The Leatherback - A merchant ship from a faraway land. It is made of a beautiful reddish wood and adorned with many colorful flags. About half the crew is made up of tortles and the other half consists of various other races they picked up on their travels. They are very friendly people and will happily buy you a drink or two in exchange for stories of your adventures or of the places and cultures you’ve experienced. If they take a liking to you they're even willing to give you free passage to wherever you'd like to travel... as long as that place happens to be the next port along their voyage. [TheMightyLoaf]
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submitted by dweeb_bush to d100 [link] [comments]

Artoria Pendragon (Ruler) Valentines Scene

Fellow devotees of the church of Artoria, today providence has smiled upon us once more.
Listen to this as you enjoy your date with Bunnytoria!!!
Transcript below:

Artoria Pendragon (Ruler) Valentine's Scene

You awaken to the sound of high heels clattering on the casino floor.
"Well this certainly is unexpected!"
"To think that my master, of all people, actually stepped into this simulated casino of mine."
"Though it is a temporary one different from the one in Las Vegas, it is still my establishment."
[Should I have just sauntered in like that?]/[But I have yet to obtain the right to enter this casino]
“That is fine, the Swimsuit Swordmaster Seven Coloured Showdown has concluded, things like the right to enter is no longer relevant.”
“No, in fact, as my Master, you are definitely a VIP. Please make yourself at home.”
“Or rather, would you fancy a round of cards with me?”
[I would like to take up on your offer but...]/[Maybe some other time...]
"Very well, maybe some other time."
"Speaking of which, I should change to a more appropriate attire."
"If you would excuse me."
Artoria becomes even more perfect as she changes into her sundress
"This attire of mine should now be more fitting for the occasion."
"Master, since you came all the way here, would you fancy a tour of the casino?"
"First, please enjoy the cold beverage."
"... Oh not to worry, I have prepared non-alcoholic drinks"
You finish the drink and exit the casino with Artoria by your side.
The two of you arrive before a fountain under the dazzling sun.
Artoria chuckles as she carries on the conversation
"As a proper heroic spirit, there is no real need to shield myself from the sunlight."
"That being said, the umbrella is the perfect accessory to acccompany this dress."
"Umbrellas. Parasols. Though they did not yet exist in my time, I have somehow become acquainted with them."
"Free from the weight of the armour upon my body, free from the weight of the sword by my hip."
"The gentle feeling of grasping this parasol is... how should I put it... not bad at all."
[Taking a stroll like this...]/[Surely this isn't your first time?]
"Hmmm... I'm not really sure about my other summoned selves"
"But as the king weilding the holy lance, it is probably my first time taking a stroll by your side like this."
"Even if this casino is but a simulacrum, and this sky is naught but a temporary one,"
"To leisurely spend the time like this is pretty delightful is it not?"
"If I may wish for just a bit more..."
"it would be to be accompanied by the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily lives"
"and the sounds of frolicking children in peacetime."
"I would surely look upon this memory even more fondly than ever."
[That is true]/[Let's strive to make this wish reality]
"I am glad to hear that -- Master"
"Well then, we shouldn't dwell on this topic for too long."
"Even I know that today is Valentine's Day."
Artoria addresses the topic at hand
"Master, thank you for taking time to accompany me."
"Needless to say, I have prepared something for you."
Artoria hands us our long awaited chocolate, praise be It is a two tiered cake in the style of a pool, elegantly adorned with poker cards and flowers at the base, and topped off with a bunny carrying a parasol
DW wedding cake when?
[That's really cute!]/[Thank you so much, Artoria]
"No master, this is the fruits of your labour"
"And so, I will return to my usual form, you can view it as a memento of me in this short fleeting moment"
"Even though my current outfit is off, I am basically a bunny"
"A bunny as in a rabbit, and a rabbit is but an adorable animal."
"Please think of it in this manner, if it pleases you."
[Of course I am]/[I will treasure it]
"Well then, it is time to say goodbye... is what I ought to be saying."
"But, since you have the opportunity, would you like to try out the VIP suite at the very top floor?"
"I, Ruler Artoria, pledge to make your stay a pleasant one."
Chocolate Cake Bunny White
Valentine's Chocolate from the Lion King: Ruler Artoria Pendragon.
A dazzling royal white chocolate cake. Adorned at the very top by an adorable white prancing bunny. The poker cards which adorn its base are actually made out of chocolate and are hence edible. Speaking of which, those are actual flowers so they can't be eaten.
Artoria will be jumping for joy if you point out how cute the bunny is. However, please bear with it and do not comment on how she's breaking character. Any slight mention of it will cause her to return to normal.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to ComunCoutinho for pointing out critical errors in the CE translation!
submitted by WaifuCollectorF2P to grandorder [link] [comments]

Tender is the night baby: Taobao goes to the French Riveria (with modshots)

I spent this past August bumming around the French Riviera, swimming in the warm med, eating disgusting amounts of saucisson, and drinking red wine during the day to the horror of the French. In hindsight, this was a terrible time to go; it was insanely crowded, oppressively hot, and comically ostentatious. The highlight may have been watching a 200ft yacht of a Saudi prince dock in Cannes, then the whole family and staff get into 10 black suburbans like something out of Succession. Wagoons?
But, thanks to you ladies, and the help of TaoBao, I was able to blend in. These are the things I wore. I will be returning this summer in Sep, and plan to repeat many of these looks. I’m 5’7” 135lbs, size 9 shoe.
Non-rep jumpsuit I have a bunch of stuff from this store. This is actually a really heavy fabric, great for travel. I’ve since worn this to work. Size L.
Balmain short suit // modshot I got the XL and the shorts fit great, but the jacket is a bit big. I actually ran into a woman wearing the same shorts in Monaco right outside the casino. They look expensive and I got constant compliments. Not branded.
Balmain blazer Branded. I got the XL and it’s a little big, but works with the black. Sleek and close enough from afar, it has the back seam, but the arm buttons are sewn on rather than through button holes.
Zimmerman? White dress // modshot I felt like a fairy in this dress. A humid fairy, for the fabric is not breathable in spite of having so many holes. The pom poms are pretty cheap, and I’d hesitate to do anything but handwash this. Cute and fun for dinners, the beach, the club. Can’t beat the price. I got the large. Unbranded.
Zimmerman? White two piece // mod shotThis was my favorite outfit of the trip. It is lined cotton so relatively breathable but not see through. Wore to most of my fancy lunches. I’ll be wearing again this summer. It’s sadly out of stock, but if it comes back I strongly recommend. Size large.
Zimmerman? White dress // mod shot where my posting makes it look weirdBeautifully constructed. Comes with a nude liner. Cotton, but hotter than it looks. I got compliments on this everywhere, including at MaxMara in Paris. I die.
non rep kimono style dress This dress was so cool to wear around the beach clubs. Definitely a ‘look at me’ dress in a very cool girl way. I felt like Rihanna on vacation in it in St. Tropez. Size L. I bought an extra by accident, so PM me if you want to buy!
non rep top // modshot This is super cute and easy to wear, but a bit big. I’m surprised to see it’s one size, most Chinese women must be swimming in it. Hard to wear a bra with, but the shoulders also fall down a bit. Realising now I should just double size tape the shoulders. Very sleek.
non rep linen dress I dared the medium on this as there is no large and it works! The hips are more fitted than on the model, but doable. It was hard to find a time to wear this… but the quality is beautiful, it’s lined, effortless, minimal chic.
Clear instathot bag I don’t actually have an insta, but if I did, I’d post this bag constantly. Fun to put clutches in. Tempt fate with something spicy like a whip or small lizard for conservation.
Classic Goyard St. Louis The Y’s don’t touch and I don’t give a ****. This ended up being my daily beach bag, got nice and crumply. I didn’t mind getting it wet, covered in sand, etc.
Goyard pouches I got a couple and they are awesome. Not mine, just a photo outside a restaurant, typical Cannes flex
Fishy’s Chanel Espadrilles Classic. I bought these in 40 and wore them with an insole which made them a bit tight, but they stretched. I was walking over 20k steps per day and had no issues with these.
Hermes strap sandals // mod shotBranded. I also had some Orans which I didn’t end up bringing on the trip. I prefer having an ankle strap as I was doing so much walking. I got these in white and really like them. A bit more sturdy for rocky shores.
Celine plastic hoops // mod shot Stunning in green. If I lost, I’d buy again.
Celine gold hoops Just buy them, you won’t regret it. They go with everything.
Celine safety pin earrings beautiful, classy. Warning, you need to order TWO to get a pair.
Dior Double Pearl Earring // modshotIt’s called fashion Becky, look it up. I got the white. These are so extra, I love them. Branded! This store is my favorite for jewelry on Taobao.
Les Nereides Snake earrings SSSssssssnakes!
Les neriedes snake bracelet Went beautifully with my stack, but the gold plating came off the head after I wore it in the ocean a few times. My fault I guess. The tail also gets snagged a bit on clothes, my skin.
Unbranded headbands I have this in black, blue and white. Oh god, just seeing this at $4 makes me want to buy more. I’ve bought over 20 headbands in 2019. It’s a problem.
more head bands modshot It’s not a problem, it’s a lifestyle.
Unbranded swimsuit The only swimsuit that worked out for me. Fine for the price, but not mindblowing. I got a large and it fits.
Zimmerman bikini top Branded, possibly grey market? I’m a 34B and got the XL which fits well. This is a super cool top, but you will drown if you try to swim in it. The sleeves completely constrict any movement.
total trash swimsuit Life lesson, don’t buy a $5 swimsuit
second trash swimsuit swing and a miss. See through, not flattering.
sun umbrella I have dark skin, wore hats, and grew up on the equator, but still this umbrella saved me this summer. It’s tiny and portably shade. Highly recommend.
sun hat I suspect this is some brand, but don’t know what. This hat was ok, but not my favorite [one of 4 hats I brought to France). Arrived a little crumpled. Lost it somewhere and will not rebuy.**edit rep of Maison Michel
Dior sun hat // modshot Ladies, BUY THIS HAT. The back is cut out so you can lean your head on a headrest without issue. I got so many compliments. I left it on a train and have repurchased.
another M sunhat Another hat. I thought this one was a little more fancy with the net. I love it.
Beret with net Excuse my French, but I'm in France… I love this hat. I try it on constantly at home. Requires a fairly significant commitment to wear in real life, but I’m there for it.
submitted by whereismyllama to RepLadies [link] [comments]

[lets build] d100 strange courtesans for 50gp a night

inspired by this comment...
  1. ⁠Shy Marry (Female Half-Elf): A young shy girl, barely out of her teens. She seems nervous and inexperienced, and constantly embarrassed, but will not stop the “experience”. Those who choose to simply snuggle with her gain an inspiration.
  2. ⁠Aracnophobia (Male Drow) When the customer is not watching, spiders will slowly begin to enter the room. After their attention is sufficiently distracted, a male drow will appear from nowhere and begin to service the customer. Customers gain an immunity to fear for 24 hours.
  3. ⁠Midnight (Black Male Dragonborn) A pitch-black dragonborn enters the room, a body like Adonis and built like obsidian; he is tailored with a gold neckless and gold wrist bands. The shadows move around his body, and slowly, the lights go out and he engages with the customer. For the next 24 hours, shadows will stick close to the customer, giving them advantage on stealth checks.
  4. ⁠Margrett (Female Orge): A large, fat woman enters the room. She’s large enough that she must squeeze through the door frame. She’s a powerhouse, with notably large teeth and a slight lisp.
  5. ⁠The Musician (Male Elf) A well-dressed bard enters the room, he does not undress, he does not address the customer. He simply takes out his violin case and starts to play a song. As he plays, the Customer’s body begins to throw in ecstasy, the song enveloping them. The customer gains the one-time use of a bardic inspiration die (1d6).
  6. ⁠Mirror-Mirror (Doppleganger): As the customer is looking around, they realize a large mirror which wasn’t there before. The mirror stands as tall as the customer, and when gazed in, a duplicate of themselves appears from the mirror and begins to seduce them.
  7. ⁠Story-Time (Female Hag): A little old lady enters the room, taking a seat near the customer’s bed. She pulls out a small pair of spectacles, and a large book. The book transports the reader into a rather erotic story, narrated by the older lady. The story emboldens the customer, giving them advantage on intimidation checks for 24 hours.
  8. ⁠Lost-Breath (Female Mermaid): The room quickly fills with water. As the Customer panics, and begins to drown, a mermaid appears and begins breathing air into their lungs. The mermaid is dressed in gold and silver, with strands of sea weed stuck in their hair. For 24 hours, the customer gains the ability of water- breathing.
  9. ⁠The Smiling Cat (Female Tabaxi): A large brawny tabaxi with died fur appear from nowhere. She pounces and plays with the customer, disappearing and reappearing, before embracing the tired customer. Once the deed is done, she disappears with a smile. The Customer gains the one-time use of the spell “Misty Step”.
  10. ⁠Ba’Dumn the Belly Dancer (Sand Yellow Male Dragonborn): Ba’Dumn is most definitely one of the best belly- dancers in the material plane. Ironically, he is also 90% belly. Despite this giant’s size, he guarantees his customer a night unlike any other.
  11. ⁠Hells Bells (Female Incubus): An angelic figure enters the room, beautiful and prestige. She begins with a simple kiss, which burns the customer’s lips. Slowly, the feathers on her back start to fly around the room revealing her true form, that of a demon. The customer gains resistance to Radiant for 24 hours.
  12. ⁠Maggs the Cook (Female Half-orc): A large, voluptuous half-orc cheerily enters the room dressed in full cookware. She brings in several plates and trays of food and asks for Customer to sit and eat. The customer does not get less hungry, but does still grow more full. Once the customer declares they’re too full or wish to continue to lovemaking, Maggs will continue to feed them as they make love in bed. The customer finds that they are significantly stuffed after the event, and do not need to eat for a week.
  13. ⁠The Witch Doctor (Male Halfling) A small, Halfling dressed in foreign clothing pops into the room. The mask he wears is twice as large as it needs to be. He pulls out a small doll, which surprisingly matches the customer in appearance, and begins to caress it, with all the feelings going into the Customer.
  14. Pearl Buskont, a halfling woman given to petty theft, and eventually becomes a small ring leader of a group of highly organized thieves. Her shock of pink hair and many piercings gives her a saucier outward appearance than her demeanor actually reveals.
  15. Lacey shields, a orgallion drag queen, known for her dancing and outrageous curves. Normally doesn’t take night time companions, but times are tough in the off season. She usually only agrees to suitors that charm her well, but occasionally will just go for the coin.
  16. Vanessa the Drunkard (Female Elf): A tall, gallow elf swaggers into the room, carrying various bottles and drinks in a large burlap sack. She offers the customer drinks, but only if they confirm that they are okay with lovemaking afterwords. She will offer stranger and stranger drinks, until the customer can barely stand, however she seems unaffected by her liquors. The customer finds that they are significantly sated after the event, and do not need to drink for a week.
  17. The Automata (Unspecified Warforged) A large, robotic figure enters the room. They say “Greeting, I am programed for your pleasure. Please select a setting and assume the position,” before waiting for the customer to select a setting. The settings are “Easy”, “Medium”, “Hard”, “Maximum Overdrive”, and “Turbo.” On selecting the “Easy” or “Medium” setting, the character regains all spent hit dice. On selecting the “Hard” difficulty, the customer gains an inspiration point. On selecting “Maximum overdrive”, the user’s pain tolerance is numbed, allowing for advantage to all concentration rolls for the next 24 hours. On selecting “Turbo”, the user gains all rewards plus a point of exhaustion.
  18. Candle-Light (Red Female Dragonborn): The candlelight in the room flairs as a red dragonborn enters, covered in melting candles. She drips hot wax on the customer, making sure to heat their bodies as well as their hearts. The customer gains resistance to fire damage for the next 24 hours.
  19. The Voyeur (Unspecified Eldritch Abomination): A character, who is exactly as the customer desires, enters the room. They introduce themselves as “Sam” before getting to work. As Sam and the Customer do their merry lovemaking, the customer cannot help but feel that they are being watched. Should they succeed a DC 10 perception check, they will notice that eyes periodically appear on the wall, watching them. For the next 24 hours, the character gains advantage on perception checks.
  20. BEAUTY (Female Beholder) The bed in the room rumbles slightly, before flipping over, knocking the customer off if they were laying there. A strangely beautiful beholder appears from beneath the bed, either mocking the customer for their lack of paranoia or congratulating them on expecting her arrival. She sings songs and tells stories as she uses her eyes stalks, as well as anything else at her disposal, to help please the customer. The Customer gains the use of the “Alert” feat for 24 hours.
  21. The Mind Electric (Unspecified Storm Elemental): As the customer rests, the air becomes charged. Eventually spark of electricity will split across the room. Eventually, one of the sparks will hit the customer, electrifying them. The experience is painful, yet at the same time pleasuring. A being made of pure energy then reveals itself, before continuing the process. The customer gains resistance to thunder and lightning damage for 24 hours.
  22. The Genie (Female Genie): A knock on the door results in the customer finding a lamp laying on the ground. When rubbed, the room is filled with a smoke and a giant female genie appears. She will take the form of whatever the customer prefers, and will change and shift during the lovemaking.
  23. RockBreaker (Male Dwarf): A dwarf with braided hair, runic tattoos, and rock-hard abbs. He sings soft songs under his breath, as his runic tattoos glow with ancient magics. The customer feels protected and gains one use of the “shield” spell.
  24. The Wizard (Male Human): An ancient male human enters the room, dressed in the most magical robes. He is unhappy and sets up a small table, to which he asks the customer to lay on. Once the customer lays on the board, the wizard massages them, molding their flesh and bones like clay, twisting them into strange, but blissful shapes. The customer gains advantage on acrobatic checks for the next 24 hours.
  25. Shroom (Female Gnome): A small gnome wearing a giant mushroom cap on her head enters the room. She offers the customer a few strange, looking mushrooms. Should they accept, they are set into a trance and the two commence in lovemaking. For the next 24 hours, the customer is immune to the poison effect, though can still take poison damage.
  26. The Heaven’s Harem (Female Aasamar): A group of seven young women dressed in exotic clothes enters the room. Music plays as they dance around the client. After a passionate display, the dance becomes a bit more intimate.
  27. The Doctor: (Female Human): The Doctor is dressed in plague doctor’s outfit. She invites the customer to lie on the bed and close their eyes. Should they not do so, she will cast suggestion on them (DC 17). She will then light incense, and plunge a dagger into the customer’s chest. She will then remove all their organs, clean them, repair them, and replace them into the customer’s body. The customer can feel and see all of this, but cannot move. The customer is cured of all diseases, all physical ailments, and regains all hit dice, but has an autopsy scar across their chest.
  28. Centurion (Male Centaur): A centaur dressed in ancient roman armor enters the room. While it is difficult for him to maneuver, he is quite dexterous and is willing to let the customer ride him. Or vise-versa. ???
  29. 1001 Snakes (Male Yuanti Pureblood): The room floods with snakes. The snake begin to slither around the customer’s body and bite them. As the customer is beginning to feel overwhelm them, a figure swims through and embraces the customer. The two make love in the pool of snake. After the customer passes out they find themselves on the bed, the room wrecked. The customer gains resistance to poison for 24 hours.
  30. It’s all right... (Male Half-orc): An orc, face covered in a bag, and body covered with rags and viscera enter the room. Despite his visage, the customer is not frightened of him and considers the situation normal. The orc is armed and slowly approaches the character; he puts the knife to the customer’s throat and asks “any last words?” Regardless of what the customer said, the orc goes ‘Shhh, it’s alright. Nothing will hurt you now,” as he begins to embrace and pet the customer. For the next 24 hours, the customer is immune to the fear effect.
  31. Beattie the Bearded (Female Dwarf): A female dwarf with impossibly long hair enters the room. She insists that the customer help her braid it before they get going (DC 20 Slight of hand check). Failure results in the Customer getting caught in the dwarf’s hair, before the two make love and the customer is strangled in unconsciousness. Success results in a happy, and satisfied dwarf, who gives an improved performance. The customer gains an inspiration point.
  32. TEETH TEETH TEETH (Unspecified Eldritch Abomination) At first, the room seems empty. However, after a while, the customer will notice a number of small eyes staring at them from the walls. Eventually, small mouths, filled with teeth begin to show up, slowly revealing more and larger mouths. Tongues lash at the customer, caressing them in strange and erotic ways. After such an experience, the customer becomes resistance to psychic damage for 24 hours.
  33. The Hoard (Male Orcs): The Hoard is a group of 10 orcs, dressed in fancy dresses and effeminate outfits. They scream complements at the customer before engaging them. It’s a long night, but those who see it through get one free use of the “Relentless” orc skill.
  34. StoneMaker (Female medusa): A knock at the door is met with a small package. A blindfold is presented, with the phrase “Put this on. Whatever you do, do not take it off.” As soon as it’s put on, the door opens, and a figure enters the room. Several kisses are felt along the customer’s body before extending into full passion. Should they take off the mask, they become petrified (DC 14 CON) as they find a medusa with stone eyes making love with them. Customers who follow the request gain blind sight for 24 hours.
  35. A Well Dressed Individual (Unspecified Mimic): A knock at the door is met with a set of fine clothes, fitted exactly to the customer’s size and taste. A note on the clothes requests that the customer puts them on before the night continues. The clothes are silk like in texture, and when worn are revealed to be a sentient, and lusty, mimic.
  36. Lady Luck (Female Elf): A busty, plump elf enters the room dressed in the most ludicrous casino based outfit they’ve ever seen. She offers to play the customer in a game of strip poker, domination dice, and other erotic-themed games. The customer gains a single-use luck point, this does not stack with the Lucky feat.
  37. Riddles (Female Sphinx): A tall, slender sphinx enters the room and traps the customer in a precarious way. Though the customer is safe, the sphinx does not let on to it and threatens them, forcing them to answer sensual riddles and questions. Should the customer play along, they will gain advantage on Investigation checks for the next 24 hours.
  38. Cueball (Male Human): A tall, thin man, dressed as a dandy, enters the room. He is missing his head, and instead a mirrored sphere floated above his neck.
  39. The Dryad (Female Dryad): A beautiful woman, carved of wood, waltzes into the room. Flowers seem to grow around her, as vines begin to wrap around the customer. The customer feels at one with nature, and has advantage on nature checks for the next 24 hours.
  40. The Last Laugh (Male Satyr) A man dressed in a Clown costume ???
  41. The Mad Man (Male Human): A man, dressed in chains, a mask, and a mental patient coat is wheeled into the room. Should the customer unlock the chains binding him, he will break from his remaining bindings and savagely embrace the customer. The customer gains a long-term madness and inspiration.
42 The Stripper (Female Elf skeleton): An elf, dressed in heavyset clothing enters the room. She dances on a pole with shockingly large amount of agility. For each gold piece tossed at her, she dances more aggressively and takes off a piece of clothing, after 100gp is thrown at her, she reveals herself to be a skeleton, before bursting into a strange mist, laughing gleefully. If 100gp is thrown at her, the customer gets one time use of the spell “Invisibility.”
  1. Obsession (Female Tiefling) (Negative): The customer gains disadvantage on all intelligence checks and intelligence savings throws for the next 24 hours.
  2. Moss (Male Goliath): Moss is a large, muscular goliath who has a thick layer of moss, plants, and other fungi growing on his back and head. He is slow, but solid, and is typically quiet unless spoken to. At the end of the night, he leaves the customer with a small handful of plants and berries, which act as berries from the goodberry spell.
  3. Furball (Female Tabaxi): A dark-furred tabaxi, dressed in loose clothes, a cone hat, and an overly large belt enters the room. She is keen to undress, though asks that the client doesn’t take off her belt. Her belt will always be taught and her weight will shift if the belt is adjusted. If the client tricks her and takes off her belt (DC 20 sleight of hand), she will inflate like a balloon and float up to the ceiling. ???
  4. Dream-Catcher (Female Gith) A dreamcatcher appears on the wall, and a note appears from under the door. The customer is told to go to sleep, and that when they wake up they’ll be fully rested. When they sleep, they find the “Girl of their dreams” waiting for them, and a long, erotic fore into a strange wonderland. The dream is so restful that the Customer does not need to sleep for one week, but must still do light activity in order to benefit from a long rest.
  5. Deal-Breaker (Male Devil) A plain male accountant enters the room and informs that the customer needs to fill out several pieces of paperwork before they can ‘use the brothel’s services’. Several papers are shoved at the character, several making no sense, but the accountant insisting that they need to be filled out. After filling out the paperwork, or giving up, the devil reveals his true form and engages the customer. Should the customer help with the paperwork beforehand, the customer will gain advantage on all history savings throws for the next 24 hours. Likewise, if the customer is interested, the Deal-Breaker will offer to be the customer’s patron (The Fiend) if they wish to take a level in warlock.
  6. The Fairy Godmother (Female Fay) A strange, giant woman appears next to the customer. She is animalistic in appearance, dressed in a robe of flowers, furs, and other oddities. The customer never sees her enter the room, and her nature is fairly strange and alien. She is very kind however, and seems to genuinely care for the customer. For the next 24 hours, the customer will find their life just a bit easier, and survival checks will be made at advantage. Likewise, if the customer is interested, the Fairy Godmother will offer to be the customer’s patron (The Archfey) if they wish to take a level in warlock.
  7. The Cultist (Male Eldritch abomination): A man dressed in violet wearing a mask enters the room. He waxes poetically about a play he was once in and encourages the customer to join him in some play acting. The customer soon learns that the play was very erotic. The customer gains advantage on performance checks for the next 24 hours. Likewise, if the customer is interested, the Cultist will offer to be the customer’s patron (The Great Old One) if they wish to take a level in warlock.
  8. The Litch (Female Litch): A tall, skeletal figure, dressed in royal garb, appears from a mist on the floor of the room. She opens a spell book before casting several spells, which careen through the customer’s body in a strange, but delightful manner. For the next 24 hours, the customer gains advantage on Arcana checks. Likewise, if the customer is interested, the Cultist will offer to be the customer’s patron (The Undying) if they wish to take a level in warlock.
  9. Dragonslayer (Female Copper Dragon): A copper dragon breaks through the front door and charges at the customer. After chasing the customer around for a while, she grins at the, utters a small seductive growl, and then take a more ‘compromised’ pose. The customer gains a one-use version of the spell “Tasha’s Hideous Laughter.”
  10. Good-Mother (Female Lizardborn) ???
  11. Copycat (Male Kenku) ???
  12. Kiss with Death (Male Wraith): A figure, dressed in black enters the room from the floor. He bends forth, and kisses the customer, sucking the soul from their body. After toying with it for a bit, he replaces it back it the body. For the next 24 hours, the character gains disadvantage on saving throws and death saving throws. (Negative)
  13. Guardian Angel (Male Aasamar): A glowing figure appears in the room, clad in fine silks and textiles; he fiercely shouts “Fear not.” He is a passionate lover. For the next 24 horus, the character gains advantage on saving throws and death savings throws.
  14. The Merchant (Female Human) ???
  15. The Cruel Merchant (Female Human): This woman is similar to the merchant, except she is covered in blood and has frightful eyes. She asks for blood, and for every 1hp given to her, she will have intercourse for 1 minute. For every 10% of hp given to the Cruel Merchant, the customer gains a lingering injury. No more than one lingering injury can be gained during any “donation” period.
  16. The Body Builder (Female Bugbear): A large, buff bug bear enters the room dressed in a gym outfit. She is quite vigorous, and occasionally forces the customer into more athletic positions in order to better their stamina. For the next 24 hours, the customer gains advantage on athletic checks.
  17. Mister Nobody (Male Human Ghost): A vaporous version of a man, dressed in fine clothing, with a bottle of whiskey and a noose around their neck, glides in through one of the side walls. He glides through the customer and possesses them, causing their body to ache in pain and pleasure. ???
  18. The Beast (Female Human Werewolf): The Customer gains advantage on animal handling for the next 24 hours.
  19. Poor little one (Female Halfling): An injured Halfling enters the room, begging for help. Hidden in the wall is a medicine kit, filled with various vials, balms, and bandages. Should the customer help, the Halfling will thank them with whatever means she can. Playing along nets the ‘hero’ with advantage on medicine checks.
  20. Fallen (Female Angel): An angelic form bursts in from the ceiling. She is commanding, and begs that the customer reconsider their life of sin. That being said, they are quite passionate, and will embrace the customer as they critique them. The customer gains advantage on religion checks for the next 24 hours. Likewise, if the customer is interested, the fallen will offer to be the customer’s patron (Divine) if they wish to take a level in warlock.
  21. The Third Eye (Male Half-Elf): A strange monk enters the room. While he embraces the customer, he also pokes them in the ki points. This results in both a physically and spiritually enlightening experience. For the next 24 hours, the customer gains advantage on Insight checks.
  22. Vintage (Male Human Vampire) A tall, slender male enters the room. He offers the customer a drink of wine before getting down to business. He seems to be into biting, and the blood loss makes the customer’s head feel lighter than normal. For the next 24 hours, the customer gains disadvantage on Con checks and Con Saving throws. (Negative)
  23. Marionette (Female Gnome): A knock occurs at the door, and behind it is a small marionette puppet with a note pinned to it. The note says “Childish wonder is a marvelous thing. Play with me.” As soon as the customer begins messing with it in any way, several pieces of red string begin to entangle the customer, lifting them up to a starlit landscape and an immense giant who services them. (Note: The puppet is cursed to force anyone touching it to auto-fail saving throws. A small, plain, illusionist services the customer as their mind is elsewhere.) ???
  24. A Silly Joke (Female Nilbog-Goblin) A spry, pretty goblin appears from no were, wearing a strange pink and purple peasant’s outfit. They tease and taunt the customer, only letting them get what they want if they work for it. The next 20 rolled by the player is rerolled and the new result chosen. (Negative)
  25. Red-Strings and Butterflies (Male Minotaur): Butterflies begin to flutter around the room. From the walls appears a meek and well-groomed Minotaur, red stringed tied on his hair, horns, and elsewhere. He fiddles with strings and ties bows on the customer as he romances them. ???
  26. Trash (Female Trogladite): The room fills with a foul stench. From the floor trash and refuse begins to flow, and from the swampy substance a figure appears. A fit and tawny troglodyte appears, ready to pleasure the customer in any way possible.
  27. The Word (Male Aarakocra) A peacock of an Aarakocra enters the room. He paints various incantations and phrases on the customer. These words fill the customer with power! For the next 24 hours, the character gains advantage on persuasion checks.
  28. The Bouncing Brothers (Male Hobgoblins) A pair of fit, mustached hobgoblins enter the room, both dressed in a leotard. The pair perform various feats of agility before performing more intimate feats with the customer.
  29. Bull-Slayer (Female Leprechaun) A small, pretty lepricaun enters the room. She looks at the customer and scoffs. She will typically mutter something akin to “Let’s hope you last longer than the last one,” before going at the customer relentlessly. The customer’s muscle ache terribly afferwords, and for the next 24 hours, the customer gains disadvantage on dexterity checks and dexterity saving throws. (Negative)
  30. The Cat Lord’s Lover (Male Tabaxi): A small, meek tabaxi enters the room wearing nothing but a collar and a pair of bracelets. He will do as he is instructed, even if it results in his ‘death’. If killed in any manner, he will revive within an hour. Damage sustained to the tabaxi quickly heals at 1hp per minute. He has little understanding of word-play and will take phrases literally. He will not, however, leave the room. If he gets to perform a “unique” act, he will thank the customer and reward them with access to a one-use version of the “Death Ward” spell.
  31. Shell-Game (Male Tortle): For the next 24 hours, the customer gains advantage on Deception Checks.
  32. Blind Man’s Bluff (Unspecified Warforged): A strange looking warforged appears in the corner of the room whenever the customer blinks. Only when they blink, or if they close their eyes, does the creature move. That does not stop it, however, from making advances on the customer whenever possible. The customer gains the one-use version of the “Blink” spell.
  33. Jack Frost (Male winter eladrin elf) Jack may not be his real name, but Jack Frost does fit his moniker. A cheery, pale but rosy cheeked elf enters the room, a cool frost following behind him. If the customer gets cold, they can always cuddle under the covers for warmth. Jack’s warmth stays longer than expected, and the customer gains resistance to cold for the next 24 hours.
  34. Silence and Static (Female Blue Dragonborn): A cartoonish looking dragonborn with a long face dressed in a mime’s outfit enters the room. She begins to perform for the customer, before getting more “intimate” with them. Any action performed by the customer in a pantomime like fashion will occur to the dragonborn, regardless of whether it makes sense. That being said, damage caused in this manner cannot be lethal, and will result in her “playing dead” or disappearing before reappearing- within a few minutes. The customer gains a one-use version of the “Unseen Servant” spell.
  35. Hooligan (Male Halfling) A small, fit but overweight, Halfling runs into the room. He chats with customer about games and cards, and is willing to show the customer a few tricks he knows. He then shows the customer a few more ‘exotic’ tricks. If the customer listens to his advice then the next “1” rolled by the customer is rerolled. This must be used before the Halfling feature.
  36. Pins and Needles (Female Yuan-Ti Half-Blood) A snake-faced woman enters the room, a small silver box in her hand. When she gets close enough to the customer, she will offer to do acupuncture to them. While severely relaxing, the customers muscles grow tired. For the next 24 hours, the customer gains disadvantage on strength checks and strength saving throws. (Negative)
79 Mister Large (Male Duergar) A small dwarf with a large beard enters the room. Well dressed and smoking a pipe which smells of heavy-tobacco and spice, he performs several tricks, blowing smoke rings and other interesting shapes. At the end, he takes a deep breath and breaths forth a dragon, which envelopes the room. When the smoke clear, it is revealed that he has grown significantly in height. The customer gains a one-time use of the enlarge person spell.
  1. King of the Seas (Male Triton): A tall, well-built, red skinned Triton makes his way into the room. He is charming, though a bit bubble headed, and complements the customer whenever he can. He dressed sparsely, but regally. ???
  2. The Hedonist (Male Human): A young, noble looking human enters the room. He is equipped with a bag, and plans to test the limit to find a new thrill. The world to him is quite dull, and he needs this. Roll 3 checks for constitution, dexterity, and charisma (DC 20). For each successful check, the character receives an inspiration point.
  3. High-Octane (Female Quickling) The customer gains a one-use version of the “Haste” spell.
  4. Coin Operated (Unspecified Warforged): A warforged is wheeled into the room and left standing. A coin-slot is seen on its left thigh with the words “Insert Coinage” written in common. Any coin can be inserted into the slot, which will cause the warforged to activate for an hour. Higher value coins produce better results. If gold and platinum (or higher) are used, then the customer gains an inspiration. If a magic coin is used, the warforged goes into overdrive mode and no other coinage is needed for the 8 hours period, the customer also gains an inspiration and the one-time ability to add +10 to a single attack roll.
84 The Marvelous Mr. Toad (Male Bullywag) A well-dressed Bullyway hops into the room. He is charming, energetic, and full of spry young energy. However, he does not, in any way shape or form, act as a normal Bullywag would and seems well versed in more noble pursuits.
  1. The Sugar Daddy (Male Half-orc): A large, burly half-orc squeezes his way into the room. He is coated heavily in hair, jewelry, and musk. Though incredibly large, he is surprisingly gentle and seems to care deeply for the customer. At the end of the night, he thanks the customer for their kindness and says that they made for an excellent courtesan before promptly leaving. For the next week (5 days) the character’s living condition is considered one higher than what they paid for.
  2. The Jinx (Male half-elf): A frazzled looking half-elf enters the room. He seems incredibly nervous, and as he romances the customer things seem to naturally go wrong. He is far more pitiable than romantic, though love-making is one place he doesn’t mess up. For the next week (5 days) the character’s living condition is considered one lower than what they paid for. If they live a wretched lifestyle, they suffer 1 exhaustion per day. (Negative)
  3. Adonis (Male Elf) An impossibly handsome man enters the room. A form that seems to near god-like perfection on every aspect, one cannot help but feel inadequate when confronted by his gentle voice. For the next 24 hours, the customer gains disadvantage on Charisma checks and charisma saving throws. (Negative)
  4. Wild Thing (Female Tiefling): A young, wild-eyed and wild-haired tiefling comes into the room. She is keen to get started in the love-making, though she is incredibly unstable. Roll on the wild magic table (104), wand of wonder, or a custom wild magic table, with both Wild Thing and the Customer being affected as targets or casting subjects.
89 Who am I? (Unspecified Doll Golem): A small, hand- crafted golem enters the room. They are featureless, though are dressed in the clothing of the customer’s preferred sex. The creature is fully sapient, and will pantomime out suggestions of what to do. ???
  1. A Man’s Heart (Male Yuan-ti Abomination): A humanoid, snake-like creature enters the room and offers the customer a strange tonic. Should the customer drink it, their body will be paralyzed by a strange poison and the Yuan-ti will then consume the customer. The situation is tight, warm, but pleasant. For the next 24 hours, the customer gains resistance to acid damage. At the end of the session the Yuan-ti will regurgitate them. Should the customer not drink the poison, or if the customer is immune to poison, the Yuan-ti will simply sleep with them.
  2. The Blackmailer’s Delight (Female Half-Orc): A beautiful individual enters the room and offers the player a drink, saying that they wish to “know them better”. They will not continue until the customer consumes the strange wine. Within 1d4 days, the customer will receive a letter. This letter will, in detail claim to divulge a rather significant event unless a notable sum is paid. This blackmail can be true or false, but it holds substantial proof either way. Likewise, the sum, while not necessarily monetary, must be significant to the customer.(Negative)
  3. Hells Angel: (Female assimar) with blond hair, blue eyes and an angelic face. She always wears a light blue dress. Her specialty is being able to always perfectly play the damsel in distress for her customers. After the damsel in distress act, it will turn into a deadly game of cat and mouse, with Hell’s Angel hiding her murder attempts behind the damsel in distress act from earlier. If you’re one of the lucky ones who survive her services, you’ll receive a +1 dagger and a note that says “I’ll see you again” in the mail a week later.
  4. Saveera of the Nine Veils (Female Kobold): Her room is patterned in a style reminiscent of the harems of Al-Qadim, luxurious pillows are position around a central stage. From behind the curtains at the back of the stage a kobold appears, dressed in the finest silk, covering just enough to be consider barely decent, but showing enough to entice. Music starts up from seemingly nowhere, and Saveera begins her dance. At the end of the dance she offers the customer the chance to "dance" with her. Those who befriend her learn her real name to be Kip-Kig, and that she initially only worked at the brothel because it was easy money, but soon fell in love with the job and slowly developed her current persona.
  5. Hena the Yuan Ti. Her poison is whispered to give those bitten a light buzz and send them into dizzy spells; every touch feels magnified. Her coiling tail tightens about her victims slowly as the night goes on...
  6. Mystereon (Myst), a doppelganger who, for 50 gp, will be any race, sex or age the client wants. For 500 gp, will use a "Potion of Detect Thoughts" (just a bottle of ale, she banks on the fact that not many people know doppelgangers can cast detect thoughts at Will) to become any specific person or thing the client wants, perfectly mimicking whatever they desire, no matter how mundane or perverse.
  7. Vendara, a medusa who considers herself an accomplished poet. For 50gp clients go into her room blind-folded, where Vendara sits them on cushioned divan and feeds them grapes while whispering about how badly she wants to look them in the eye as her snakes caress their skin. Those who give in to temptation are sold off as ornamental statues to unscrupulous traders.
  8. Two-lip is a thri-kreen courtesan who insists they are a human, just like you. Imagine a giant praying mantis with smudged lipstick, off-color blush, and a tenuous grasp on non pheromonic communication.
  9. The Odalisque Resplendent in Gossamer Veils, This delicate fae draped in veils of silk and spiderweb moves about the room, cleaning and adjusting, dusting and coming so close. Something about her presence enflames desire but inhibits movement; she cannot be approached. She doesn’t touch her guests but rumor has it some of her clients have grown old returning to her again and again hoping for the barest brush of her silks against their flesh.
  10. A young succubus exiled from the underworld (or whatever is DnD's version of hell) for such kinks as handholding or snuggling. She's incredibly shy and lovable. Her mere presence seems to have a calming effect on everyone around. There have been multiple cases of clients falling asleep with her before getting to the saucy stuff and not regretting the money spent. Strongly recommended for traumatized adventurers and chaotic neutral rogues who just need a hug.
  11. A warforged named Fisto, who simply states “you will now assume the position.” Players have a hard time sitting down for 1d4-1 days.
  12. Mad Symphony (Male Succubus): A figure, dressed as a conductor, enters the room. He begins to act as if he is conducting an orchestra. At first nothing happen, then the music begins to play and energy fills the air. When a crescendo is hit, he strikes. The customer gains resistance Necrotic for 24 hours.
  13. Pain and Misery: (Female Gnolls): Pain and Misery come equipped to ensure that the night is “fun”, though whether the customer enjoys it all depends on their skill. Players may make a DC 10 Performance or Athletic check or a DC 15 constitution saving throw. The character wakes up with half their HP; however they gain an inspiration point for staying the night.
Edit 1: Thanks to u/snakebite262 for being an absolute chad and providing 91% of the list... will be back to update soon but it’s midnight rn... so ima sleep
Edit 2: I HAVE RETURNED! And I am going to proof read this list to check whether I have copied and pasted the same thing twice... also I have no idea what to do to get the list on the website so ima ask about that on discord
submitted by KicKem-in-the-DicKem to d100 [link] [comments]


My dream two nights ago:
Please bare with me I know this is long.
There’s a lot but it’s because I wrote every detail down when I woke up.
I have edited it for grammar mistakes and for the sake of making it easier to understand. The language is the same as directions for a film. I’m very good at capturing details. Please, please take the time if you have it. It’s worth it, I hope!
This comes the second night of my tolerance break from smoking a lot of pot everyday. The first night I didn’t sleep at all and had nightmares every time I did fall asleep.
I would love feedback as this is the most vivid dream I’ve had in years!
Also I had no control over what happened. This was not a lucid dream.
I’m technically watching from third person point of view. Like a camera following the action. Except I know I’m the scrawny tall kid. Same kind of look as Jaeden Martell from the movie It.
I’m with my three best friends. I’ve never actually seen these kids in real life before, nor do I look like the scrawny kid that I’m playing as in this dream. There’s no showmance or love interests between any of us.
The two girls have older styled hair like nineties “poof” for bangs, maybe it’s right at start of the 90s decade.
My best friend is short, chubby with curly brown hair and freckles. He wears a red shirt and light blue cargo shorts. I’m in a dark blue shirt and grey shorts. The taller girl is blond with yellow hair and light pink tank top blouse. The other girl is chubbier in the face with puberty boobs. She’s in a light yellow tee.
We’re all probably 8th graders maybe freshman in high school. No older or younger. I wish I could voice what they sounded like. It’s so distinct in my head.
We go to the abandoned building, known as the Center, at our middle school because we hear of ghosts being there at night (it’s very vague why we’re here. I’m only assuming that’s why the dream started here).
It’s an actual middle school I recognize. It’s St. Louis School in Lowell, Ma. “Center” is what we called it after we turned our church into an repurposed event building for school plays and other things. Picture a long wide empty complex meant to hold probably 400 people. It used to have pews and a stage at one of the building. I’m in college now. I graduated middle school in 2014.
We go there at night and it transforms into this casino/museum/mansion/hotel. I could draw it if I had the patience.
The ghosts are everywhere. They’re not all old corpses or scary. Some are young looking and healthy. They look like regular humans not transparent ghouls. They’re dressed in different outfits from different decades but it isn’t clear what time period they’re from.
No one is from a super old time period so no romans or vikings. It’s like old American. No pilgrims. Their party is only there for a glimpse like a montage scene. The group and I aren’t there for that part.
I’ve had this dream before. I swear I have.
Then the ghosts go away and the Center is left as a wreck. Like after a huge party trashed. There’s old paintings covered up by big grey sheets/cloths and there are columns cracked and old like it’s been YEARS since that said party happened.
There’s a bunch of old coins and chips stacked on the floor and sprawled across it. There’s big heavy dark red curtains that fell from where they hung near the back walls.
It’s dark now, the lighting comes from high windows but it’s dimly lit. Still easy to see like watching a film in a dark theater. The windows are stain glass with different colors but the light remains consistently white balanced.
We’re not really walking a lot, we run but the camera angle I have is very steady and paced to a slower rhythm.
At one side of the center is an alter but it’s not religious it’s more of a stage that has marble stairs. We don’t go here till the end.
It’s not really scary ghost - until the end. It’s more of a fascination and fun adventure vibe.
We go to the hallway that’s opposite the stage and it’s got different rooms setup like classrooms.
We’re in this room with a huge statue that hums and she’s the first ghost we meet. She’s made of old red clay. Very Egyptian vibe. She’s beautiful but she can’t move her body except her neck and slight facial gestures. She’s very sweet and smiles at us a lot. She’s stuck in a red clay bird cage. The room itself is made of old red clay bricks too. It’s dusty.
She has us cling to the sides of her cage (again, when I have the time I can draw it), and we’re told a poem or something of a riddle. The floor opens underneath us and we’re dropped and plummet. We’re super scared at first.
We don’t understand how we’re back where we started in the dream. We go back to the hallway and repeat this again.
Skinny me figures out we need to find her something. I cannot remember what we needed to do, but I knew we had to go back to her. We drop again and we’re not going to the center we fall in a dusty red mud brick room like an egyptian grave. We had to do a task for her I cannot remember.
Then we go over to the librarian ghost that’s parallel to the Clay Room. He tells us we have to find a certain book. He’s kind of like a pervert and gets really close to my face. The camera view is a close up shot. He’s got a blue and yellow aura but for the most part he’s human looking. He looks like Paul Giamatti from Big Fat Liar.
Back to finding his book. It’s a white little soft cover book like the old books that have browning paper. The library space is so small and messy and books fill the floors. You can’t get to the back of the room because of the mounds of books stacked. We’re discouraged at first because we think the book he wants will be impossible to find.
Then I realize we have to climb a stack of books behind the door and then hold on to the door and try our best to stretch up and grab the white book with the little boy’s face in the middle of a golden circle.
I almost fall and it’s scary. The pedo librarian becomes somewhat dark and impatient now. I finally make a last ditch effort and grab the book.
From there we go to this other woman who’s a real OG ghost. She’s in a big poofy dress and also hums to herself. She’s transparent blue with some hues of baby blue but mostly dark navy and there are some pieces of her outfit that are black. It’s like a school uniform but dramatic. She’s around her 20s.
She asks us to do some task but I can’t remember it. We see a younger ghost that looks like the daughter from the Adam’s Family. She’s lighter blue and some black to her outfit. She resembles the ghost lady. We don’t make any connections.
The girl walks silently by but not in a creepy way. She’s kind of cute. Whatever we needed to get the ghost we get it. We do it.
And then she tells us a riddle about age and pipes and spinning the time that shrieks. It makes us confused so we play with the old, white-coated pipes that are built in the rooms around us. It’s a boiler room that’s at the end of the hallway in between the Clay Room and library. The pips have red circular handles that you’re able to turn. The ghost spins them easily without even touching them but we can’t seem to budge them.
Me and my boy best friend are so focused on the red wheels on the left side of the room while the girls split up and go to the other side.
The ghost is frustrated with us and it’s only when it mentions something about [i cannot remember what] and her ghost powers spin the pipes red handles that the two girls seem to get it.
The ghost leaves the room slowly and goes down the hallway. Find me when you’re done! She’s frustrated but somehow we know she’ll be at the stage at the opposite side of the Center.
Us boys find something? And we think we figured the riddle out.
Cut scene: we’re in front of the ghost at the stage.
We’re just finishing up singing “Happy birthday to you.”
We thought the ghost just wanted to be sung to and thought people forgot her birthday. The ghost is really confused and pissed off now. Her powers shake the whole Center.
The girls yell from behind us and the camera stays near us boys but the focus shifts to the middle of the Center.
“This what you wanted?” It’s the little blue ghost. It’s a younger form of the ghost herself. Or it’s her sister?
But oh! The ghost is happy and leaves them alone but the Center is already collapsing and fired start from her power.
Now those ghosts that were at the party are coming at us. They want more tasks done for them. We run and hide in the Clay room. We decide we can’t stay here forever and leave by falling through the floor like we did earlier. The Clay lady is the only one who’s not a dick to us.
We are dropped back to the Center and see it is an even bigger mess now. Random silverware scattered. Black and white feather scarves tattered. The red drapes have black smoke coming off them and fires start behind certain areas of the columns. Cracks form on the walls.
We are now running on a fancy rug of red and gold and end up in a new hallway decked out with gilded wall frames and paintings. Jazzy 20s music eerily plays from one of those weird looking record players with the big fancy horn on it.
We run into a new ghost, a casino host “help me with these tickets!”
And then two hostess with grey skin from the 30s “we need to make cocktails!”
And then some zombies that are just aging corpses and one grabs my arm. He speaks but he’s inaudible. We turn to run further down what feels like a forever hallway.
I don’t remember how or if we get out.
Cut scene.
I’m alone and in the middle school academic building. It’s day time and kids and teachers fill classrooms. I’m still the scrawny boy but my gang isn’t with me.
I’m running through the halls (it’s weirdly a perfect transition scene from how we were running in the Center).
I see this 5th grader who had a crush on me when I was actually in 8th grade. She swoons as she exits a classroom and sees me. Parallel to her this kid from high school walks out. He also was obsessed with me. I yell at him, “Fuck you his name.”
The next door I go through is a pre-K classroom. I see my pre-k teacher with a bunch of kids. I yell “Hi Mrs. Beth! I miss you.” And she gives a genuine smirk that she usually gives. She’s standing in the center of the room and was bent over helping kids with crafts before I came in.
I run up stairs to the third floor and realize I have to go back down to go out. For some reason I couldn’t go out the front door. I’m stopped by a teacher who looks like spring semester English Professor from Boston and the ghost librarian combined.
He’s rude and aggressive and wants to know what I’m doing and doesn’t leave me alone. He’s basically the strict asshole teachers of a catholic middle school who’s only sense of power comes from controlling kids.
I run from him and tell him I have no time to waste. I run to the opposite stair case and the teacher tries to grab my arm. I think thats totally crossing the line and yell at him to let go.
For some reason he can’t just let me be and is mad that I’m not letting him know what I’m doing.
He begins to lecture me about respect and I interrupt with a “shut the fuck up!”
I run down the stairs and even jump a few steps to the platforms. “When I get you I’m going-“ I interrupt again with “oh yeah, how fast can you get down these stairs?”
I run outside and the wind is strong and the sky is partly cloudy and red with even darker red clouds. A storm is brewing. Somethings wrong. This isn’t the real world it’s scarier.
I run around the building. I think my best bet is to trick the asshole into thinking I’m far gone when in reality I’m just around the corner. I step down the six steps that lead to the basement door. I hide there pushed up against the wall that will hopefully hide me from him. I can hear his footsteps.
I am the camera view again. I see how out of breath skinny me freaking out.
His footsteps get closer...
But then I woke up.
Ive had a dream in this center before. I remember its layout.
Thank you to everyone who actually read! I appreciate you so much.
submitted by hunchotho to Dreams [link] [comments]

Refuting your Last Jedi Plot Holes

If you'd rather listen to me narrate this same post with some pictures for visual aids and all that, here's a 26 minute video.
Otherwise I've written up a full transcript here (fair warning, this is gonna be VERY long) for all of you at work or who can't listen to audio or whatever. Skip past the following parentheses for the transcript to begin.
(Some of you may recognize the video from a couple days ago when I posted it. A few of you immediately made me aware of some big flaws in my logic in one of my early answers; which pretty much destroyed my credibility from the beginning. So I took the post and video down and reworked a bunch of it. Some questions have entirely different/better answers now. I replaced a segment of the intro narration with another segment where I more clearly define what is and isn't a plot hole so we can all be on the same page, and made a few other minor tweaks. There's nothing like putting 26 minutes of your opinions/logic out there for a big community to see and watching 1000s of brains rightly pick it apart. I mean that in the best way possible! It's a pretty beautiful process haha I'd like to think the video, and therefore this post is better for it. So thank you to those who commented a few nights ago.)
Anything from here on out in parentheses is not discussed in the video, but I feel I can explore some additional thoughts here for those that want to read them.
There's been a lot of really interesting and valid criticisms of The Last Jedi that I've been seeing around, but also a lot of really strange questions ("plot holes") being parroted around masked as criticism. And that's what I take issue with. This is in response to a video made by a fairly big YouTuber called "70 Plot Hole Questions For Star Wars The Last Jedi -" (YTer is Levelcap fyi). And what I'm going to do is use some very simple abilities that we all have: to infer, to critically think, and to read between the lines (and occasionally do some research). And we're gonna see how many of these questions we can answer without the movie having to spoon-feed us every little detail.
Now it seems to some people the definition of a plot hole has broadened so much that it now includes questions like this (I believe they are wrong). So for the sake of this post, let's agree on a definition. I really like the urban dictionary definition the best (there's surprisingly few actual definitions of the term, but the ones that exist pretty much say the same thing. This one just puts it most succinctly to me).
In a piece of fiction, a Plot Hole is a completely implausible occurrence or series of events that contradicts logic or previously established events in the story. Includes things such as unlikely behaviour or actions of characters, illogical or impossible events, events happening for no apparent reason, or statements/events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.
A Plot Hole is NOT a simple omission of information or unanswered question. These can only be considered a Plot Hole if said omission has no plausible explanation AND is essential information to the overall story's outcome. Plot Hole: Something that goes against logic or the previous events in the fiction. Not a Plot Hole: A small unexplained event in the story.
(ACTUAL Plot Hole: In Batman Begins a microwave emitter is used to vaporize the water in Gotham to release a psychedelic drug that the water has been laced with. However, the microwaves would in all actuality cause all of the water molecules in every human body to boil and kill everyone very painfully. But this does not happen in the movie.
NOT a Plot Hole: In The Dark Knight Rises, not explaining how Bruce Wayne manages to get back onto the Island of Gotham after it has been cut off from the rest of the world. You can reasonably infer that because he is Batman, he can manage to get himself back onto the island and the movie does not need to show this)
The key element I'm using for this post is that an unanswered question can only be considered a plot hole if the omission has no reasonable explanation. (Someone commented on my previous video that: going by this logic then plot holes wouldn't exist, because then you could say the characters just ate a magical jelly bean off screen that allows them to resolve whatever question you may have. This is categorically untrue, because this would be a very unreasonable explanation. Granted, I did not clearly go over this definition of a plot hole in my previous video so their point was more valid.)
Several times throughout this post, I'm not going to know the 100% correct/canon answer, and I'll begin with something like: "I don't know, but here's my best explanation...". I don't claim to be all-knowing when it comes to this movie (or Star Wars in general); but I am still refuting that the question is a plot hole by offering up a reasonable explanation. One that makes sense within both Star Wars canon, and the storyline of this movie particularly.
So with that being said, I'm about to begin answering these questions point by point in the order that they appear in levelcap's video. I condensed a few of them down because he asks the same question twice or they are similar enough that they could be answered with the same explanation (so the end total of questions will not be 70, but 58). Without farther ado, let's get going! Obviously there will be spoilers ahead.
1. Why did the First Order fighters pull back from attacking the Resistance fleet?
In the movie, Hux calls Kylo Ren and his wingmen off of the Resistance fleet because they were out of range of the FO fleet who couldn't cover them any longer. (very quickly Kylo Ren's wingmen are blown up to show this.) One might imagine that the First Order didn't want to needlessly risk resources seeing as how the Resistance was in such a terrible spot, and their fate was looking inevitable. (Another factor is that while Kylo did blow up the launch bay of the main Resistance ship, some of the other ships did still have launch bays of their own and could scramble fighters if the FO did send their own after the Resistance fleet, and would likely result in heavy losses. The win-win scenario for the FO was that waiting 18 hours for the Resistance's fuel to run out means they wipe out the Resistance, AND get to keep many of their Ties alive)
2. Why are Resistance ships able to outrun First Order ships?
Take your pick. Either the Resistance ships have faster or more efficient engines than the FO ships, or they have to burn more fuel in order to keep distance from the FO fleet. Throughout the movie there is dialogue (from both the FO and Resistance) explaining they are able to keep a safe distance, but they just won't be able to sustain it. Do they really need to explain why exactly?
3. Why did the Resistance ships slow down when they run out of fuel? Wouldn't Newton's First Law Apply here?
Alright this one's pretty stupid-- So Star Wars has a loooong history of not obeying the laws of physics as you may know. But as long as we're using Newton's First Law, I'll spell this one out. (It actually sorta works here!) If one space ship is chasing another ship, and both are accelerating equally, and everything else is equal, and the lead ships stops accelerating-ie runs out of fuel (mind you just because it stops accelerating does not mean it is slowing down), then the chasing ship (as long as it is still accelerating) will catch up to and overtake the lead ship. This might appear as if the lead ship is slowing down though. (Relativity! There's a little animation in my video to help illustrate this. None of the ships in it ever slow down per se, but one does stop accelerating and is therefore overtaken by the (still accelerating) chasing empire fleet just like in the movie)
4. Why can't Hux have some of his destroyers hyperjump in front of the Resistance fleet to block them off?
This is a really good question and one that I've been seeing around a lot. But I think there's a good explanation. And it has to do with hyperlanes. Throughout the galaxy of Star Wars, there are pre-established hyperlanes that ships use when hyperjumping to other locations. These are sure to be safe trails to travel on. It's incredibly risky to make a jump without a hyperlane. This is why it's very important for the galaxy geopolitically when a new lane is discovered or explored, because big military fleets typically only use these to make advances. So what do we know about D'Qar and Crait? They are both in the Outer Rim of the galaxy and basically have far fewer hyperlanes than in the core populated places of the galaxy. Crait is even totally unmapped, so I think we can reasonably infer there aren't ANY established or widely known hyperlanes nearby. (also worth noting that hyperlanes are not omnidirectional). Therefore, the First Order probably deems it too risky to make a micro jump like the one described in the question just to speed up what they thought to be inevitable. Now, should the movie have included some throwaway lines of dialogue describing this? That's for you to decide but I really don't think so. It'd basically be totally unnecessary exposition just to address a question that 99% of people won't even think to ask. But there's your answer for you crazy 1 percenters.
(Other factors could include fuel usage. We clearly hear that making a jump takes a large amount of fuel in the movie. So if the First Order captains wanted to pull a maneuver like this, they better have perfect calculations or they might wind up out of the chase altogether.
And Also to address any related questions like: The Resistance jumped in the beginning of the movie so wouldn't that mean they used a hyperlane? First, to that I would say not necessarily. I don't think they would be that worried about making a blind jump seeing as how they are about to be wiped out anyway. The FO would only be following their jumps because of their tracker. And second, the Resistance & FO could have very well used a hyperlane to jump from D'Qar to close-ish to Crait, which then probably didn't have any other hyperlanes nearby as they headed to Crait.)
5. Why don't blasters affect shields at long range?
I have no idea what this question is in reference to. I've seen the movie 3 times and still don't.
edit: A New Hope establishes that lasers in space do have a range. Source:
6. Why can shields stop capital ship weapons, but fighters can pass straight through?
We already have examples of shields behaving similarly to this. For example in the Battle of Naboo when the bubble shields block blaster fire, but let the battle droids through them. The Shields of the Raddus (the Resistance flagship) appear to behave similarly. Also it would be really inconvenient for a ship to have to lower its shields every time it sent out/in a fighter from its launch bay... So I think ship shields have always behaved like this if I'm not mistaken.
7. When did spaceship shields become bubbles?
Check out the last answer. But also there are different types of shields in the Star Wars universe. You don't think there might be different manufactures/brands of shields, all of which probably behave a little differently from each other? Or is a universe as large as Star Wars' only allowed to show you one type of shield.. Thermal shields and deflector shields are two different types just to name a few.
8. Why did the Resistance transports get blown up so easily when flying to Crait? Couldn't they have tried evasive maneuvers? Poe was able to dodge like 20 dreadnought turrets earlier.
Hmmm... Could it be that transports might handle a little differently than fighters? (especially one piloted by Poe) Those escape transports are probably a liiiittle less nimble than fighters, and are therefore much easier targets too.
9. Why didn't Holdo try to block the incoming fire on the transports?
Holdo didn't really have all that much time to come up with something once she saw the transports getting blasted, and what she did come up with was pretty damn effective.
To give a more direct answer, I think this would be easier said than done given how the artillery shots from the Supremacy (Snoke's ship) traveled in an arch, which might just arch themselves over the Raddus even if she did line herself up perfectly.
(I would also say that if she were to only block the incoming fire, the Resistance probably wouldn't have ever made it off of Crait. When she did her Kamikaze run (don't worry we'll get there too), she crippled the FO forces that could then assault the base, and destroyed their ability to keep up the chase)
10. Why did the FO only find out about the transports when DJ told them?
There actually are a couple throw away lines that give us enough to fill in the details. As the transports are leaving the Raddus, a Resistance crew member aboard a transport says: "we're cloaked and shouldn't show up on their scopes." I take this to mean that these scopes might behave somewhat similarly to submarine sonar, where you kind of have to know exactly what you're looking/listening for on the radar to see what you are looking for. This is backed up by a FO officer telling Hux that they ran a decloaking scan and were then able to identify the transports.
11. Why did Finn & Rose tell DJ about the plan?
They didn't. But you clearly see him perk up once he overhears them get word of the plan from Poe or whoever fills them in on it as they're approaching the Supremacy.
12. Why didn't Holdo have all her ships jump away in different directions?
I'm not entirely sure but it probably has something to do with the plan to hide out on Crait. If it had worked, they would have all been safe. Also safety in numbers and all that stuff.
13. How come ships can hyperjump in/out of the Resistance fleet without the FO doing anything?
Again I'm not totally sure. They could have noticed Poe and Rose's single escape shuttle leave and decided not to chase it. Or they didn't notice it at all. (also this is the only time it's done without explanation. When Finn, Rose, and DJ jump back in, DJ cloaks their approach, and when the Falcon jumps in, it immediately jumps back out once it releases Rey in her escape pod.)
14. Why do the bombers fly so close together if they blow up so big?
Check out bombing operations in WW2. Turreted bombers pretty much exactly like the ones in the movie stayed in close formation as a means of defense against fighters. Any fighter that wanted to attack a bomber had to expose himself to several different fields of fire from several different bomber turrets. Any bomber on its own was an easy kill for any fighter pilot.
15. Why were the bombs operated by some guy with a remote?
This is an infinitely retarded question. Again look at any bomber in history and you'll find the bombs were operated by a guy with some kind of remote.
(for a more direct answer, What else would they use? The resistance is known to have to scrape together whatever resources they can get their hands on so those bombers probably aren't state of the art technology. Many of the resistance ships/tech are fairly low tech, we see that in both movies. I would also highly doubt that's the only way to release the bombs; it's just the one she (as the tail gunner if I remember correctly) was closest to (good chance it was a backup/manual bomb release, maybe the visual dictionary or cross sections book explains better ). The pilot or other crewmembers might have controls too but they were incapacitated. Also, and most importantly, how exactly do the controls being an analog control vs a fancy computer screen or whatever change any of the outcome of the scene? It's a really dumb thing to even bring up in the first place)
16. Why do the bombs fall down in space?
"Bombs don't technically "drop" in microgravity, but are impelled from their racks by sequenced electromagnetic plates in the clip. The bombs are then drawn magnetically to their unfortunate targets." - From TLJ visual dictionary
17. Why didn't the bombers just release their bombers from farther away?
I would assume it probably has something to do with the electromagnets discussed in the last answer needed to be within a certain range to activate.
18. Why doesn't the dreadnought fly away when it sees the bombers coming?
Wow this would have been a really valuable tactic in say, the Battle of Midway. If only the Japanese Captains just sailed away when they saw the American bombers coming. I keep bringing up WW2 naval and aerial combat because Star Wars has always taken a huge inspiration from that.
(and if you ask: Why not just hyperjump away? well, to that I'd ask how long does it take to spool up a hyperdrive in that big of a ship? If we're going off of when Holdo does her kamikaze maneuver, it takes the Raddus (a smaller ship than the dreadnought) a good 30-60 seconds (depending how you interpret the timeline of that scene).
19. Why doesn't the First Order release fighters immediately when coming out of hyperspace and into a battle?
My favorite character in the movie, the dreadnought captain (RIP. We hardly knew ye...) seems to share this exact same sentiment when he exclaims: "We should have released fighters FIVE BLOODY MINUTES AGO!" which kind of implies they were off to a sloppy start to their attack. (also remember this is probably many of these captains very first major space-battle experience. The dreadnought captain was older and probably had a lot more experience with these things which is why he was so pissed in the first place.)
20. Why did the First Order think Poe was just a messenger ship? (Why not blow him up immediately?)
They were probably just curious about what he'd have to say with him not being considered much of a threat (you can hear this in the way Hux laughs as he says: "A single fighter approaches??"). We also know that one of the major flaws of both the Empire and now apparently the FO too is arrogance. Poe is trying to exploit this here by buying as much time as he can.
21. Why can Holdo use Hyperspace travel as a weapon and why hasn't this been done previously? Especially against the deathstar etc.
This one's making lots of people angry. But there's a couple theories I've seen that I really like. They would very neatly explain why this was only a viable tactic in this particular scenario. The simplest one is taken directly from some dialogue in The Force Awakens when Han, Chewy, and Finn are hyperjumping into Starkiller Base. Han says this when asked how they are getting in: "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through." I can totally buy that the First Order uses these same shields on their big ships too. He doesn't specify in the dialogue that only Starkiller Base has this kind of shield when he says "their shields", which implies he knows something about First Order shields in general.
(The other less likely but completely awesome theory is basically this: Since the Supremacy can track ships through hyperspace, and hyperspace is known to basically be another dimension. The tracker must physically exist in both dimensions at once and therefore when Holdo kamikazes the Supremacy she is slamming into the unshielded, unprotected tracker in the hyperspace dimension, causing the insanity we saw in the movie. Hopefully I did that theory justice. Because I think it's cool as hell. Thanks neutronknows for this one)
22. Why build such a big ship if something so small can destroy it?
There's actually precedent for this in previous Star Wars movies as well as in real life history. Regarding Star Wars, the Executor (the super stardestroyer) is taken out by a single A-wing pilot when he careens into its bridge. And then in real life there are tons of examples of single small planes doing enormous damage to huge ships with torpedoes, or bombs, or even by crashing into them. Point being that these huge ships need to be protected be cause their utility far outweighs their fragility.
23. Why does Poe have to land aboard the Raddus before it jumps to hyperspace? Don't X-Wings have hyperdrives?
Yes X-Wings do have hyperdrives but they may not be comparable to the ones on the bigger ships. So it's probably so they can stay together. Another possibility is in the beginning of The Last Jedi, Poe's X-Wing is outfitted with an additional booster engine on the back. This might have required removing his hyperdrive. Maybe the cross sections book will explain better.
24. How did Finn & Rose escape the Supremacy if Ties were chasing their shuttle the whole time?
There's actually nothing to suggest ties were chasing them the whole time. We see several shots of them flying away freely and only their landing approach is when they are chased by ties. It also doesn't appear that the ties are even shooting at them until they almost reach the door so the ties were probably racing to catch up to them.
25. How did Rey get from the Supremacy back to the Millennium Falcon?
In the scene where Hux finds Snoke dead and Kylo unconsious, Hux tells Kylo that she took Snoke's personal shuttle.
26. How do Finn & Rose know how to fly speeders? Isn't Rose just a mechanic?
There are many examples throughout Star Wars of families, even poor families owning some type of speeder. It seems to be a common enough skill akin to driving a car. We also see Finn struggling to keep his speeder up until Rose has to tell him to drop the mono-ski.
27. Why doesn't Finn melt in the beam but parts of his speeder does?
It looks like he would have melted if he'd stayed in the beam much longer. I'm sure it didn't feel good while he was in it but someone operating on adrenaline can tolerate some crazy stuff.
(upon watching the movie a third time I kept a close eye on this scene and never saw anything in his cockpit melt. Just the guns on the outside. So I think we can conclusively say the cockpit was shielding him from the bulk of the heat.)
28. Why does Rose think crashing into Finn will save him? Did she calculate the impact speeds exactly so they both wouldn't die?
No I really don't think she calculated the impact speeds. But I bet her thought process went something like this: "Finn has a 100% chance of dying if I let him fly into that cannon, but less than 100% if I crash him out of the way. So I'll go with that option."
Related Bonus Question: How was Rose able to catch up to Finn when she clearly turned off from the attack run earlier?
Finn's speeder was being significantly slowed down by flying directly into the beam. To the point where even if he had collided with the cannon it probably wouldn't have done anything-- another reason Rose saved him.
29. How was Finn able to drag Rose to safety?
Honestly this one is probably lazy writing. But if you want me to make a stretch, on the Battlefront 2 map of Crait, there are all kinds of small caves and trenches out there that he may have used to hide and move closer to the door. But either way, it's a pretty ridiculous feat.
30. Why do Tie Fighters keep chasing the Falcon into tight spaces?
Because Kylo literally told all of his Ties to go kill the Falcon there and they didn't want to let it escape.
31. How was the Falcon able to land and save the Rebels safely? Wouldn't there be Ties patrolling around?
Again, because Kylo told all of his Ties to go kill the Falcon. The First Order probably didn't have access to all the fighters they may have wanted after Holdo crippled the entire fleet. That's probably why there aren't as many Ties as you would have thought. Thinking a little bit about what you just watched a few seconds ago might help with answering some of these questions before you call them plot holes.
32. Did the First Order leave the planet Crait once they saw the Resistance was gone?
Uhhh, probably they did, yeah. But I seriously doubt the First Order fleet's capability to continue the chase at that point. It really seems to me that information just enters your brain and gets spat out completely unprocessed. So maybe you do need to have everything spoon-fed to you... Either that, or you are intentionally, artificially inflating how many plot holes you think are in this movie...
33. If the entire Resistance can fit aboard the Millennium Falcon now, is it even a Resistance any more?
Well, we're gonna have to wait until the next movie comes out to find out. Buuut I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "Yes."
34. How are they so confident people will sign up for the Resistance now?
I think you could answer this by asking another question. That is: How many people in the galaxy do you think want to live under the rule of the First Order? Also after Luke did what he did, he provided the new spark of hope that's getting people fired up to join. (We see this by the story of him facing down the entire First Order with his lazer sword being told by the kids on Canto Bight.)
35. How is Finn so good at fighting? Wasn't he just promoted from a janitor?
Without doing a whole deep dive on Finn's time with the First Order, here it is in a nutshell. Finn was regarded as one of the best of his corpse. He worked directly under Phasma too. And many soldiers are assigned various upkeep duties while they are deployed and not fighting.
36. Why does Phasma suck at fighting?
She doesn't. She pretty clearly beats Finn here and would have won if it weren't for him falling onto a rising elevator perfectly, and then hitting her while she was surprised.
37. How come Phasma's armor can block blaster fire but no one else's can? Shouldn't all the troopers have that armor?
Phasma's armor is made from chromium. The same stuff the coated the Royal Naboo yachts that we see Amidala aboard in the prequels. It's very rare.
38. Why did Finn & Rose park their ship on the beach?
Again I'm not entirely sure but a little inference here doesn't hurt. They probably didn't want to have to register in a parking system and risk being identified, hoping instead no one would notice before they left. This obviously did not work out.
39. Why does BB-8 have a casino coin shooter?
I don't think the only purpose of that is to shoot coins. But you really got me there....
(Upon looking at TFA visual dictionary, it explains BB-8 has a bunch of different modules he can swap in and out of.)
40. Why doesn't the Resistance have their own codebreaker guy?
Right. Seeing as how they apparently grow on trees. The resistance is shown to have only about 400 people in the fleet at the beginning of The Last Jedi. I'm sure they would love to have their very own codebreaker among their ranks.
41. Why does Maz take a phone call in the middle of a firefight?
Because Maz is one kooky girl. (seriously though I don't know, this scene felt like what you would see right before you get on the Star Tours ride...)
42. Why are there only a few hundred people in the Resistance?
Because the rest of the New Republic didn't view the First Order as a threat. So only Leia and her loyal followers were left as the watchdogs against them. The New Republic was also nearly entirely demilitarized prior to TFA. Granted neither movie of the sequels does a very good job at establishing any of this. But it is discussed in the books.
43. Why is Poe so quickly forgiven for disobeying orders and even mutiny?
The Resistance couldn't exactly afford to lock up one of their most influential heroes at that point. They had more pressing matters and we clearly see Holdo kind of understand why he did what he did. Her and Leia both knew at the end he was trying to do the right thing based off what he knew at the time.
44. Why does Holdo dress like she's going to an Arcade Fire concert? It clearly causes people to undermine her authority.
First because Holdo is a senator. And second, I really don't think THAT'S what caused Poe to undermine her...
45. Why didn't Holdo just tell Poe about the plan to escape to Crait?
Poe was just demoted and had displayed serious issues with authority and leadership. (This is her very first impression of him. I think if you look at it from her perspective, it makes way more sense.) It's also probable that Holdo was about to tell Poe right when he noticed the transports being fueled up and freaked out, kicking things, and calling her a coward and traitor in front of the crew. (Not exactly what the crew needs to hear at that point.) Going off the info she had at the time, most commanders in this situation would kick Poe off the bridge or worse.
46. Why did we get a topless Kylo Ren scene?
I mean, Kylo is pretty hot.. Just be thankful it didn't happen while one of them was on the toilet. For real though I just read an article that says it was basically a fun way to show the audience how much they could see of each other.
47. Why can ghost Yoda control lightning?
I don't know but I do actually have a theory. I think it might have to do with how force "rich" the area is. Especially since it was the first Jedi Temple. The island seems to be very powerful with the Force. This will be an interesting thing to theorize about though and I'm actually kind of happy they didn't answer this.
48. What's the deal with Chewy's crazy arch? He goes from hating cable chewing minocks to loving porgs... Who even is Chewy any more?
Right. Because minocks are totally equivalent to porgs. Minocks aren't disgusting at all. Would Chewy have had the same dilemma if he were to eat a minock as others watched? I really don't. Minocks are really gross. This question was really dumb.
49. How can Luke project himself to another location across the galaxy? Have Jedi always known about this power?
That was pretty crazy, right? Again we don't exactly know. But it's really awesome and seems like it requires an absurd mastery of the force in order to do that. But if you really take issue with any new force abilities being explored, then you probably shouldn't be watching any of the newer movies.
50. What happened to Luke's green lightsaber? And why didn't he just use that one in his projection instead of the blue one that just got broken in half?
No idea what happened to Luke's green lightsaber. But it could also have something to do with that being what he used in his greatest moment of shame. So he wanted to appear to the Resistance as his best self. It's also worth noting that Luke may not have known about the status of his blue saber going into that scene. But there's also a chance that he did it in order to troll Kylo even more once he finally realized he was fighting nothing all along. It's a great way to display the downsides of fighting with so much literal blind hatred.
51. How did Maz get Luke's blue lightsaber?
This question should go to JJ Abrams. I really don't think the answer to this is all that important to the story of these 3 sequel movies. But maybe it will be answered in episode 9.
52. Who was Snoke and what was his deal?
I'll let Rian Johnson take this one, and then add a little bit to his answer afterwards. This is from a really interesting IGN article where he explains a little about his thought process in this scene. I highly recommend reading it if you want to know more. "It's not about where he come's from. It's not about his backstory. He is the guy behind the guy, and I think he plays out his part in this movie as is appropriate." What Rian's basically saying here is that his backstory doesn't matter to the story going forward. Snoke served a purpose and fulfilled it. I'm 100% sure at some point we will get a proper backstory on Snoke. But I'm totally in agreement with Rian here. I think Snoke was one of the weaker characters of the last movie and I'm kind of glad to see him gone.
And I know that Snoke's sudden death is one of those huge things that some fans are really upset about. And it deserves it's own video/post just on that (and I've seen a few good ones here and there already.) You don't have to like the answer. That answer being that it doesn't matter. But it certainly is not a plot hole.
53. Why can Snoke detect every thought Kylo is having but he can't sense he's about to get killed by him?
The movie does a really nice job at visually addressing this. Snoke wasn't exactly reading Kylo's direct thoughts here. But reading his lack of conflict. Snoke sensed total darkness in Kylo and took that to mean that surely he was about to kill Rey (why Snoke laughed at the notion of Rey turning him to the light). He also sensed Kylo's physical actions with the lightsaber that he was masking with the force. He totally caught Snoke off guard here.
54. If it's so easy to manipulate lightsabers from afar, wouldn't Jedi stop carrying them for fear of someone else activating theirs?
I didn't get the impression this was easy to do. It probably takes a ton of dexterity and fine control over the force to be able to pull this off, as well as an unsuspecting victim.
55. Why is Rey even better at fighting in this movie?
To me, the answer is still the same as in the last movie. Rey has grown up fighting for herself and already has a pretty good understanding of melee fighting mechanics. She benefited especially in her TLJ fight by having Kylo Ren back her up. Once they got separated she struggled. She only won by using a cheeky move from a bind. I think Kylo shows her up big time here. He handles 3 praetorian guards at once during the fight. (Her sudden and seemingly exponential growth in the force might also help with her lightsaber control too.)
56. Why do they think Snoke is dead? Couldn't he just get robot legs like Darth Maul in Clone Wars?
I'd say the closeup of his lifeless body, with eyes rolled back and tongue out to be pretty conclusive. BUT. People already have their theories out that he somehow survived so who knows?
57. Why is the slave kid able to move things with the force already? Doesn't that take tons of training to accomplish?
His midichlorians are off the charts. But seriously he might just be a savant with the force. He only moved a broom about 4 inches so let's not freak out about this..
58. Why did Luke leave a map to himself if he didn't want to be found?
Luke never made a map to himself or to the island. Han says that it was people that knew him best that thought he went to the first Jedi Temple. It was Lor San Tekka that helped research making a map to the first temple; where they thought he MIGHT be.
So there's all of the questions answered and holy hell that was exhausting typing all of this out. I did want to put some closing thoughts to wrap up this post. As someone who actually totally adores this movie I wanted to address some of the more ridiculous criticisms I've been seeing around with this post, and show why they are actually pretty much invalid for the most part. And I thought Levelcap's video would be a good place to start doing that. I know this isn't all of the plot holes or questions out there. Most of these aren't even plot hole type questions, they're just questions. If you're adamant about saying these are plot holes, I could guarantee you could make a similar list as long as this one or longer about each previous Star Wars movie. There's a lot of unanswered questions in these movies that are answered by looking deeper into the lore, or the visual dictionaries and wikis I've been mentioning. The movie should not have to answer most questions like these. They aren't related to the plot and don't move anything forward. I really don't think plot holes were much of a negative factor in this movie at all. At least any more so than any other Star Wars movie. So let's get to the substance of our criticisms. Why didn't you like how they handled Luke, or Snoke's death? Or why was the movie poorly structured? I think that kind of thing is where the substance of criticism is for this movie even if I disagree with a lot of it, but that's where the criticism has the most value. That's what I wanted the point of this post to be. Just clearing up some misconceptions so we can get to the good discussions. For those of you that have read this whole thing, there is something wrong with you, and especially me for making this. But thank you so much. I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on this kind of stuff.
Is it even possible to make a TLDR for this kind of post? haha I don't know but I'll try. Basically most of the plot holes people have been throwing around aren't actually plot holes.
until next time, and happy 2018.
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